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Hey everyone! Long time, no update, huh?

We'll I'm going to give you a quick life update!

I got a new job working for the state of Missouri, and it has been keeping me up and down! My boyfriend and I have moved in together and are trying to work out butts off to get our own place (we're at his grandparents' house right now).

I work nights at my job, so I should have enough time to write more if I ever have the motivation to do so. No motivation seems to be my only problem 😅

Anyway, now to the actual reason of this little part... Do you all have any suggestions for this one-shot book?

I am also in the process of writing a Yakko Warner x Reader because I don't see very many of them around, and I'd like to know if I should post it? I already have like four chapters done. I just need to know if that's something you guys would read or nah.

Now for my Left in the Dark book. I am still working on that, just slowly. I've had writers block for that book for what seems like forever and a day. I have an idea on what I want to do with it, but I'm just too uncreative to actually put it into words. So if anyone has an idea for that, it'll be appreciated as well.

Anyway, Imma end this before it gets too long! Please let me know what you all think!

Stay beautiful, my lovelies! 💜

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