Change -Bakugo x Reader

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Hey everyone! I decided to just keep it a one-shot, so here it is!! I hope you all enjoy it!!

TW: sexual themes/implications, cussing, mentions of suicide, and abuse. 

You have been warned


"Why is it that every time I try, I fail? At everything; my schoolwork, my home life, relationships, everything..." Your thoughts ran rampant as you tried to distract yourself with reading a book. It seemed as if you had a book for everything. You had books about falling in love, studying, being a "housewife"; anything and everything you could think of, you had a book for. That was your little "guilty pleasure". Collecting and reading books. And everyone knew it. Your best friend, Mina kept a list of every single book you own just in case someone wanted to get you a book for your birthday. She made sure you never got the same book twice. And you absolutely loved her for that.

Anyway, you shook your head softly, trying to shake the thoughts away. At that moment, there was a knock on your dorm door. Closing the book, you get up and move over to the door and open it to reveal your best friend.

"Heyy, girl!!" The pink girl called, throwing an arm around you.

"Hey, Mina, what's up?" You ask.

"Girl, we're going out! Get ready to party!!" She shook her shoulders as if she was dancing.

You just look at her, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that 3a is having a party on the roof and you're going with me!" She almost squeals, laughing.

You sigh. You weren't really a party person. However, the party would probably get rid of the pesky thoughts that plagued your mind. So, you just shrug and let Mina in, knowing that she was going to pick your outfit for you and help you get ready. With a squeal and an excited jump, she bounced in and closed your door.

After about an hour, you glanced over yourself in the mirror. Mina really outdone herself this time. Your hair was curled nicely, and she did a simple, yet bold makeup look. She picked out a white crop top with some high waisted blue jean shorts that was a little too short for your liking. You gave off a smile, turning to face the pink-skinned girl.

"You look amazing! Let's go!" Mina giggled and grabbed your arm, pulling you out of your dorm.

Up on the roof, it was already crowded and loud. With the music blaring, you could barely hear yourself think. In this case, that was a good thing. Mina pulled you to the snack and drink table where she got you and herself an alcoholic beverage. You gladly take it from her, smiling a 'thank you' at her. She just winked and disappeared in the crowd. You figure she was dancing with her new boy-thing from 3b.

You sigh, taking a sip of your drink and make your way towards the end of the roof, leaning on the railing. As you gaze up at the stars, you feel someone lean beside you. You look towards the person to find a tipsy Kaminari.

"Suuup, pretty girl. How you doin'?" He was beginning to slur his words. Denki Kaminari was always flirtatious to every single girl that he found hot... so every girl he's ever seen. It's gotten to a point where you found it quite amusing.

"Hey, Denks." You roll your eyes playfully with a small smile.

"Why ain't you out on the dancefloor?" He asked, pointing to the drunk, sweaty, crowd of teenagers bouncing around to the beat of the music.

You shrug. "You know this isn't usually my cup of tea."

The electrifying male chuckles and shrugs. "Yea, but it's good to get your nose out of a book every once in a while and live a little."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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