"Title too long" -Mafiatale Sans x reader

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Alright, beauties. Since the title it too long to fit in the actual title box, Imma just put it here.

Actual title:  "At 22, I Got Involved in the Monster Mafia. Here's How it Happened"

Also TW: slight mild language up ahead. It shouldn't be too much, but still wanted to put that out there :)

It had been a few months since a little child, named Frisk freed the monsters from the Underground beneath Mt. Ebott. Things were hectic at first, but then the humans and monsters got used to being around each other now, so it wasn't weird to see them out anymore. However, just because the monsters were out of captivity, it doesn't mean that they will change their lifestyle. So, because of them, we now had mobs and different mafias who were now fighting over territory like two kids fighting over a toy. In my opinion, it was pathetic, but that's the way it is, I guess. 

I had just gotten out of my college class, and instead of taking the bus home, I walked. It was only about a 20 minute walk from the university to my small apartment. Since fall had snuck up on us, it was chillier than normal. That chilling breeze whispered in my ear, making me hug my light jacket closer to my figure. Not only was it getting cooler, but also darker a lot faster than it was; and because my class ended at 8pm, it was way past sunset when I got out. So there I was, walking in the dark, alone. Or so I thought.

From behind me, I could hear the snickers of what sounded like four or five people attempting to creep up behind me, but fortunately failing miserably. Finally one grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me tightly into his chest. He reeked of cheap booze. Now that I get a good whiff of the air, that's all I can smell. So that means that all of them are probably drunk off their asses.

"Heya, toots~" the one holding me began, making me roll my eyes before he continues. "How's about we go back to my place and have some fun?~" 

"Buzz off, bud. I'm busy." I snapped at my attacker, who only laughed and clung tighter, causing the rest of them to laugh. This only pisses me off more. "Listen, buddy. I have better things to do than to be your little play-thing for tonight. Besides, why on earth would I want to fuck anybody who buys cheap booze? Get some taste, and then we'll talk." 

At my smart remarks, the whole group stopped laughing and looked at me shocked, and then looked at my captor, who I presume was the leader of this poor excuse for a gang. I could've sworn I heard something snap in him when he roughly swung me around to face him.

"You just made a big mistake, girly."

"Oh, no," I say, sarcastically, lifting my hands up just the slightest, which adds insult to injury, "I guess you're gonna have to punish me and let me go." My voice was still in the sarcastic monotone voice when I said those words.

The "leader" just laughed. "Not so fast, doll. I think I can forgive you just this once, since you have such a pretty face. It's got me feelin pretty generous."

I was about to say something, but before I could, a gunshot rang out, from what sounded like ten feet in front of us. Not a moment later, I hear, and see out of the corner of my eye, one of the drunken dopes fell to the ground, blood pouring out of the man's skull. I just stared at the body, not with shock, but also, not as if I see this kind of shit every day.

All that was heard after the ringing of the gunfire died down was a low chuckle, followed by a deep voice. "You heard what she said, bud. Put the young lady down."

The one holding me handed me off to a comrade like a game of hot potato. This I didn't appreciate. "I don't think so. Finders keepers." I heard the drunken leader say to the ominous voice and blow a raspberry.

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