The Walks- Bakugo x Reader

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Love. Such a strange word. Especially for little (Y/N), who has never felt it. (Y/N) was created in a lab by her "parents" who couldn't conceive... or so they thought. Not long after (Y/N) was born, her "mother" fell pregnant, and nine months later, her sister, Megan came into the world. Megan became the favorite "golden" child very quickly, her parents forgetting about (Y/N). When (Y/N) was 5 years old, her parents made Y/N their personal slave, making the young Y/N do all of the cooking and cleaning around the house. Her parents made her think that cooking and cleaning is what (Y/N) was "born" for. So, (Y/N) never got to experience love. She had heard of it; her "parents" made sure to tell Megan that they love her, but the young (Y/N) never got told. That was until freshman year of high school.

When (Y/N) was 13, she decided that she couldn't deal with her neglecting parents and entitled sister anymore, so she ran away. (Y/N) was very smart for her age, so she made money on the side, from babysitting to dog walking to doing anything she could do to make money, and she booked a one-way ticket to Japan... Musutafu to be exact. While she was on the flight, (Y/N) learned a little Japanese so that she could communicate at least a little bit if nobody there spoke English. Once she got off the plan, she was walking around until she bumped into the pro hero, Eraserhead... literally. He spoke some English, so she quickly explained everything about her and her life and how she decided to run away. He was quick to take the young girl in and care for her, teaching her fluent Japanese, to even helping her get better at her fire quirk. Soon enough, she enrolled in UA high school, taking the entrance exam like everyone else to prove that she can do some things on her own. She didn't want Aizawa to feel like he just handed everything to her, even though he provided her with a lot of what she has now. She wanted him to be proud of her. After the exam, she went home and told her new caregiver all about it, even about a certain rude blonde. To say the least, Aizawa was proud of her. And soon enough, she got the acceptance letter, and got told that she was in the hero course, 1-A.

And this is where we left off.

"Now, (Y/N), remember what we talked about," Aizawa reminded (Y/N) for the hundredth time since she got the acceptance letter, "When we are in school, you do not know me. I am not your guardian; I am just your teacher and nothing more. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," the nervous girl answered as they stood outside the gates of UA High School. Today was her first day of school and she was sweating bullets.

"Good. Now I'm going to go in. Do you remember where the classroom is?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Alright. I'll see you in class, then."

And with that, Aizawa left. (Y/N) remained parked outside the gates, finally getting to take in the full sight of the school. She didn't realize how big it was until now. Soon she felt someone shove her, making her fall.


(Y/N) looked up to see the same blonde boy from the exam. She got up, dusting herself off.

"You know... It's polite to help someone up when you knock them down, AND say, 'excuse me' when you do," (Y/N) shot back at him.

"Yea? Well, it's also polite to not be in the middle of everyone's way too," the blonde-headed boy growled at her.

"You're right. I'm sorry," (Y/N) apologized, bowing slightly to show her remorse.

"Whatever," The boy said, shoving by her and walking away.

(Y/N) took that as a sign to stop gawking at the school and go in. She would have more time to look around later. She immediately walked to her classroom and opened the huge door. She was surprised that Aizawa was not there yet. She shook her head slightly and sat down at a desk closer to the back, but not the very back. She had her head in a book when the door opened again and walked in more students. One was a pink alien looking girl, who spotted her immediately and ran up to her.

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