Tag, You're It. -UF Sans x reader

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Your lungs hurt. That was for sure. You bend down to catch your breath. Why were you running? Well something was chasing you; you just didn't know what or even how to describe it. All you knew is that you had to get away so it don't kill you. The growling gets louder, and you gasp, looking behind you only to find the shadow of the thing chasing you getting bigger by the second. You take off sprinting again, to who knows where. You only wish your lungs could stop hurting in all of the cold weather. 

"C'mon, Doll.." you heard the thing call out for you. You can only run, plowing through the snow, which is only getting deeper and worse by the second. You could tell it was going to start storming soon. If you didn't find shelter soon, you'd be buried in the freezing weather. Every quick breath you take blows out that white smoke that tells you how cold it really is, despite how much you might be sweating. 

"Doll.. it's gonna storm soon.. where are you?" you hear the creature call out again. He seems genuinely worried. You have half the mind to turn back and just let him take you to wherever; just to get out of the cold. You resist though. It wasn't over. 

You look back again, and see the shadow come into view to reveal the skeleton that's chasing you. You can see his gold tooth shine in the moonlight, even though there was no moon in sight. Where were you exactly? You look around. A forest. 

With another minute of running, you trip and faceplant into the snow. You wince in pain when you try to get up. The skeleton takes notice of this and smirks gently, stalking up to you. 

"Looks like you're in a unfortunate situation, Doll." He chuckles, before reaching down and tapping your head. "Tag, you're it." 

"Haha. Very funny, Sans." You look up at your boyfriend. "C'mon. Help me out, would you?"

Sans smirks again before scooping you up in his arms bridal style. He begins walking toward town, where Papyrus would be there, waiting with dinner. You nuzzle your face in the crook of his neck, the scent of mustard filling your nostrils. The skeleton just chuckles, letting you relax. 

"What'd you hurt anyway, Doll?" Sans suddenly asks. 

"My ankle. It'll be okay. Just gotta keep pressure off of it for a while." You explain, earning a nod in response.

"Good. That just means I can carry you like this and take care of you for a while." He places a small kiss to the top of your head, making you blush slightly. 

"If you say so, bone boy." 

The snow started to pick up little by little, signaling that the storm was starting, and yet, you two aren't safely indoors quite yet. Sans takes notice of the small shivers coming off you, and holds you closer to him. 

"Just a little longer, Doll, and we'll be home and getting warm again." 

You just nod gently.

Soon, the house comes into view and Sans practically sprints the rest of the way and kicks down the door, only to be met with Papyrus' stare. 

"Heh.. hey, Boss." Sans walks over to the couch and sets you down gently, making sure to prop your ankle up.

"What's wrong with the human?" You hear the younger brother ask.

"Just hurt her ankle, running. That's all." Sans explains for you. 

"Were you not watching her, you idiot?" Papyrus asks, hitting Sans on his skull.

"Er... Yes, boss! We were playing tag, ya know, that game where you chase each other, trying to touch them?" Sans quickly explains, sweat drops visible on the poor skeleton's skull. 

"You should have been watching her better, you imbecile! She could be seriously injured because of your incompetence!" Papyrus was practically yelling by this point. He lifted his fist to hit the other skeleton again, but this time, you stepped in, stopping him. 

"Paps, I'm okay. No need to hit Sans again. It's not his fault. It was an accident. I tripped over a branch while running and sprained my ankle. All that means is I can't put a lot of pressure on it for the next couple of days." You put your hand on Sans' skull, blocking it from another attack. 

Papyrus looks at you in disbelief, before lowering his hand and sighing. "Well.. if you say so, human. You hungry?" 

All you can do is smile and nod as the younger, but much taller skeleton enters the kitchen to prepare dinner. 

"Thanks for savin' my neck, Doll." Sans plants a kiss to your forehead. 

"Well, I can't have you murdered just yet. I kinda like you too much." You giggle, only to have your skeleton boyfriend smile and plant a soft, but passionate kiss to your lips. 

"I love you so much, Doll." 

"I love you too, Sans." 

"And I hate both of you." You hear from the kitchen, making you both laugh gently. 

Sorry for the shorter chapter. I had a good idea, then it floated away when I started writing it, so.. oops. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one, nonetheless. I'm kinda running out of ideas here lately, so any and all requests are appreciated. 

Anywho, so time for a little life update! I know that no one asked, but imma tell y'all anyway!! So, I got this job offer that imma take. It's a full time, 42 hour a week job that pays $13/hour. All in all, that's not a bad offer. Only catch is, I have to quit my current job. What that means for my books is even slower updates than before, which will suck. It will be tough for the next month or so until I get used to my new schedule, with will be as followed:

Sun, Mon, Tue: Off

Wed: 12am-6am

Thurs, Fri, Sat: 6pm-6am

It's gonna be hard, but I'll get used to it. 

I am transferring from my current college to a completely online college that will be at my own pace, which will be good for me. My grades are crap rn, so maybe the change in pace will help a little bit with everything.

I also might be taking a mental health time until I get into the spring of things, so I might not make an actual part for who knows how long, but if I do get requests in, I will happily comply when I get the time.

I will keep y'all updated with everything, so just bare with me for right now. I really appreciate it. 

Stay beautiful, my lovelies <3

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