Fights - Sans x Reader

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"I think I made a mistake.."

"And what mistake would that be?"

"Falling in love.."


(F/N) (L/N). Once a cheerful young girl; now a pessimistic young woman.

Your POV

You had lived in Snowdin for a while now. You just had a huge fight with your boyfriend, Sans, and now you were drinking your weight in liquor at Grillby's.

"(Y/N)..." You heard the fire monster's soft voice.

Looking up, you take a sip of your drink.

You hear Grillby's fire crackle. You learned to associate that with disappointment. "Don't you think you need to slow down?"

"Nah. I ain't feeling anything but misery right now. And I'm trying to not feel anything." You huff out.

"Come on, (Y/N). The fight couldn't have been that bad, right?" Grillby's soft voice brings up a memory of what Sans had yelled at you right before you stormed out of the skeleton brothers' house.

"Grillbz. He literally told me he didn't want to see me again. He said that he had mistaken his feelings of content with love." You quickly wipe away a tear, as you down the rest of your drink and gesture for another.

Grillby's eyes go wide as he grabs your glass, filling it up with the same thing you've been drinking for the past hour and a half. "Oh, I hadn't realized. I apologize."

"I think I made a mistake.." You say, dejectedly.

"And what might that be?" The fire monster asks, raising a flame-brow.

"Falling in love.." Another tear threatens to make its escape route down your cheek.

For a moment, Grillby was quiet. It seemed like he was trying to find the right words to say to you in that moment.

"(Y/N)..." He begins. "Don't ever say that. Do you know why it hurts so much right now?"

"Why?" You ask, curiously.

"Because it's true love. Sans is probably beating himself up over the fight. If I know that skeleton as well as I do, he'll be in here any minute looking for you to make things right."

As if right on cue, the door busts open to reveal a frantic Sans. Once his eye sockets land on you, he rushes over, pulling you into a tight hug.

"(Y/N)! I am so sorry! I was stupid and I know it doesn't make it any better, but I want you to come home, and we will make things right! You don't deserve to feel guilty and I definitely should not have said what I said. I said it out of anger and I shouldn't have. I am so so sorry!" The skeleton rants into your shoulder.

If you hadn't know any better, you would say he had been crying. But your suspicions were confirmed when you felt the fabric over your shoulder get wet. You look up at Grillby, who is giving you the "I told you so" look. You sigh and pat Sans's head.

"Sans, listen.. I do appreciate your apology, but I think... I think that right now we need to clear our heads. So how about we sit here and have a few drinks and then go home and talk, okay?" You say, as calmly as you could. Of course you were still upset, but you appreciate the fact that he came and found you and wanted to apologize.

Sans lets out a small sniffle and nods against you. "Alright.."

The skeleton lets you go and takes his place beside you at the bar, grabbing the Ketchup that Grillby had already set out. He mumbles a small "thanks" to the bartender and takes a swig of the condiment. You, in turn, take a swig of your beverage, humming in content as it went down.

And that's how the two of you stayed for another 4 hours. And by the time Grillby closed up, you and Sans were both drunk (especially you considering you got a huge head start).

You groaned, looking at the time and Sans looked at you with his drunken "let's get out of here" stare. You smiled and nodded, getting off of your stool, gripping the bar to steady yourself. Sans had gotten up as well and was already by your side, arm wrapped around your waist to keep you upright. You could tell Sans wasn't doing so hot balancing either, so you wrapped your arm around his waist. And that's how the two of you walked home, clinging to each other for dear life, doing the most amazing balancing act the Underground has ever seen.

Once the two of you gotten home safely, you both plopped down on the couch, losing all composure as you do. The two of you stay like that for a moment before the drunk skeleton beside you looks over in your direction. You look at him in return. The intense staring contest was ended with him clearing his throat.



He clears his throat again. "I am sorry about earlier today."

"It's no big deal, honestly. We were both in the wrong, and I'm sorry." I reply.

He leans in and gives you a tender kiss. Once he pulls back, you lay your head on his shoulder. He smiles and leans back so the two of you could be comfortable, and after a couple minutes, your breathing calms down and he can tell you're asleep. He looks down at your peaceful face and smiles lovingly. He plants a tender kiss on top of your head.

"Sleep well, Sweetheart."


Welp! Here's another part that I've been meaning to write for a while! I had something going with it, then lost it until now. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

If you have any requests, don't be shy! Drop a comment, or even DM me on here!

And as always

Stay beautiful, my lovelies! <3

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