Love is an Open Bar -Sans x reader

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TW: Alcohol and could have been rape if sans hadn't bit it in the butt before it got too far. 

You have been warned.

It was a beautiful day outside. Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. And of course, on days like this, kids, well people (you weren't really a kid) like you would be forced to work your crappy 2pm-10pm job at your local bar.  Ever since the monsters have been released from the Underground, and you got fired from your other job, you have taken on a job as a bartender/waitress at a little bar and grill named "Grillby's". It was a nice little job; it payed well, and the customers weren't too bad either. Every now and again you would get the occasional rude customer, and the occasional drunk who always attempted to get near you and into your pants; and gods, you hated those people, but you could still say that you liked your job. Your boss, Grillby was nice. He was a fire elemental monster; it had always wondered you how he didn't burn anything and everything down to ash, but you considered it too rude to ask personally, so you just kept your thoughts and concerns to yourself, believing it to be best. 

Now... where were we...?

Ah, yes. You were working your usual 2-10pm shift. Things were going fairly smooth for the night. You have had a couple of rude people, and the occasional drunk person, but overall, it was nothing you couldn't handle yourself. Grillby is in the back, working the grill, and you are making drinks for those who ordered the alcoholic poison; you debated making one for yourself, but Grillby hates you drinking on the job. 'It's highly unprofessional, and he wants his workers to be at their best work and undistracted by the effects of alcohol', he says. It's a damn good thing you work everyday 'cause if not, you'd be completely blackout drunk on the days you had off. After deciding to make yourself a frozen strawberry daiquiri, it's your favorite drink to make, and you made it pretty good, even if you do say so yourself, but no one beats the way that Grillby makes drinks. 

You hear the bell on the top of the door ring out signaling that another customer has entered the little parlor. Your gaze turns toward the door only to be met with the comedic skeleton you called a bar buddy, and close enough to a best friend that you're gonna get. You greet him with a soft smile, already reaching for his desired poison. 

"Hey, Sans," you say, happily, lifting the bottle of ketchup to the counter, sitting it down. It only took you a moment to notice something off with the monster. You knew Sans had a lot of issues from the past, but nothing recent that you knew about, so you knew something was up when he plopped down on the stool, and quite literally chugged the whole bottle in less than 20 seconds, dripping ketchup down his chin and eventually on the bar. Sighing, you take some napkins, wiping the discarded ketchup from the bar, before handing him napkins for his chin and handing him another bottle. You throw the empty bottle away and turn to him to ask the inevitable question. "What's wrong?"

Sans sighs, and pops the lid to this bottle, bringing it up to his lips, sipping it this time instead of chugging it. Finally he turns his  skull up to you. He looks like he hasn't slept in at least a couple of days. "Take a guess" finally comes out of the poor monster's mouth. 

At this point, you knew exactly what was up. He had been up all night with his nightmares again. He has them occasionally, but he hasn't had any recently that you knew about, but when he does, they get bad. You sigh and bring out your fruit drink you had made previous to Sans coming in. You take the blue and white straw and sip the drink before breaking away and saying "nightmares?"

The skeleton nods lightly. You can only sigh and sip on the drink you have made yourself. 

"I thought Grillby doesn't like you drinking on the clock?" Sans points out. You only shake your  head and shush him. 

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