Truth or Dare- Katsuki Bakugo x reader

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"So you think you can be a hero?" The feisty blonde growled, aggressively as he blasted through the air, planning to land an attack upon you.

"I don't think I can baku-bitch, I KNOW I can!" You answered, emphasizing the word "know". The one thing that this demon pomeranian didn't expect was that you anticipated his every move and knew exactly how to dodge them.

Right before he landed his attack, you moved ever-so-slightly out of the way; just enough to dodge the attack, but also land one of your own. You land a swift, powerful kick to his ribs, knocking him back into the cement wall that was a good 150ft behind him. It definitely knocked the wind out of him, but that doesn't mean he's completely down yet. The boy landed on the ground... he was down. You had won the sparring.

"Bakugo is down. Y/N has won," Aizawa-sensei drones on in his monotone voice. He constantly looked like he would rather be doing anything else except teaching a bunch of newbie wannabe heros; and usually that thing he'd rather be doing is sleeping, but who could blame him?

"Wow, Y/N! I have never seen anything like that! It was incredible," your friend, Mina Ashido exclaimed, stars in her eyes.

"Thank you, Mina," you took a much deserved bow. You were the first in the class to defeat the flaming blonde boy in class sparring. Of course you had to flaunt it, but not taunt it; even though you knew you would be teasing the blonde about it later at lunch.

You look back at the blonde to make sure he was okay, only to find he was standing directly behind you. He only shot you a death glare, before sauntering off to Kirishima and Kaminari. In other words, he's fine.

Later that night, in the dorms, your friend group was in the common room, chatting and laughing at Kaminari for recalling and teasing Bakugo about his defeat earlier that day. To say that Bakugo got riled up was an understatement.

"Okay guys! Who wants to play a game??" The pink haired friend questioned, trying to change the subject before Aizawa-sensei came out and forced them into their rooms.

"What game?" you asked, your interests peaked.

"How about truth or dare?" Kirishima suggested, giving into the idea.

Everyone agreed, except Bakugo, who of course had something foul to say.

"I don't want to play a shitty game with you dumbass extras!" He popped off, crossing his arms and turning his head.

"Why? Are you chicken?" You taunted, knowing that it'll definitely get him to play the game.

"In your dreams, L/N! Let's do it!" The blonde brat retorted, making everyone snicker at his challenging personality.

"Great!" Mina exclaimed, "I'll start! Kaminari, truth or dare!"

The game went on for about an hour until Mina got a mischievous smirk on her pink face. "Oh Bakugo! Truth.. or dare?"


Mina's grin only grew more prominent on her features. "I dare you to confess to your crush tonight... in their dorm... alone."

Everyone let out a chorus of "ouuu"s, staring at the blonde, who was clearly not expecting such a thing.

"What makes you think I have a shitty crush on anyone in this shitty school??" He tried, but failed, at keeping his hardened look.

"Trust me, Bakugo," Mina started. "I know you do and I know exactly who it is." She gave Bakugo the most evil look you have ever seen her give. You attempted to study her motions and guess who she was talking about, but to no avail.

The thing is, you had kinda always had a crush on the hot-shot blonde since the entrance exam where you and him were neck to neck in points. No one was able to keep up with you like he did. You admired everything about him, from his challenging personality, to his overconfident attitude, to his dumb spiky hair. So deep down inside, hearing Bakugo had a crush on someone in this school, you had hoped she was talking about you; and even more, you were hoping she was right about it.

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