Little Competitions - Dancetale Sans x Reader

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It's been a few months since you've made the Underground your home. You live with Toriel and you love it! You love having dance competitions with your new friends. There was this dancing club in Snowdin called Grillby's where some of these competitions take place. It's like a nightclub, but more fun. And that's where you found yourself at the moment.

You step on the dancefloor, being next up in the competition. And of course, your opponent is Sans. He is dressed in his usual blue hoodie with his hood up, his jogger pants, and his converse sneakers. While you are dressed in black athletic leggings, a purple sports bra, and sneakers. He specialized in hip hop while you specialized in ballet.

Grillby, the owner of the club stepped up to the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight's opponents could not be more opposite! Y/N, a ballet dancer, and Sans, a hip hop icon!" He says into the microphone, making the crowd around us cheer out. The flame monster pauses, letting the crowd calm down before leaning into the microphone once again. "And tonight, they will be dancinnnnggg...." Grillby pauses, spinning the wheel that decides the style of dance we will be dancing. It's always between the two dances that the competitors specialize in. Once the wheel lands, Grillby shouts into the microphone "BALLETTTT", dragging out the word.

Part of you felt relieved. You were one of the best dancers in your class up on the surface, and you have already won many competitions dancing ballet. However, part of you felt bad for Sans. He was not a ballet dancer and didn't even come close to it. You saw the sweat on his skull as he heard the decision. He looked worried.

"Dancers, you have 15 minutes to prepare yourselves for the competition. Starting now!" Grillby announced, making you go over to grab your bag full of the different dancing shoes you brought just in case.

You go to one of the practice rooms, walking in and sitting down, unlacing your sneakers. You slip them and your socks off, putting on a toe sock and slipping your pointe shoes on, lacing them up. You then put your (h/l), (h/c) hair up in a tight bun. You decide to stretch and do a couple of practice jumps and Pirouettes. Once you were satisfied, the timer had gone off, signaling that it was time for the competition.

You make your way back out to the dance floor. Once you get there, you spot Sans looking at the ground. You kind of felt bad for him. He was definitely out of his comfort zone.

"Dancers, are you ready to begin?" Grillby asked the two of you. You give him a thumbs up and a small smile while Sans keeps his stare at the ground. "Sans?" The flame monster says, finally getting the skeleton's attention. "Are you ready?" He asks, causing Sans to nod. "Well then... time to begin!"

The slow music begins to play. You immediately recognize the song. You have danced to it many times on the surface. You let the music flow through your body as your mind goes almost blank, allowing your body to move on its own. As you dance, the crowd cheers. Doing one pirouette, you land it perfectly with your leg outstretched in a 90 degree angle. Next, you do a jump, legs outstretched. You look over to Sans, who is just staring at you with a blue hue across his face. You smirk and twirl over to him, purposefully falling back, dramatically, knowing he will catch you. He does, and you send him a wink. He smiles and pulls you up, holding your hands as he dances the rest of the song with you. He lifts you up in the air, and then brings you down close to him. The two of you end the song with a dip. The crowd cheers loudly at the two of you.

"Well, folks! Wasn't that just beautiful? Remember to send in your votes and we will announce the winner in 5 minutes." Grillby announces, making you and Sans separate, much to your disappointment.

Truth be told, you had a small crush on the skeleton. You have for at least a month now. He is your closest friend in the Underground. You made your way back to the practice room, undoing your hair on your walk there. Once you get there, you take off your pointe shoes and toe socks, slipping them back in your bag and putting your regular socks and sneakers back on before slipping the bag over your shoulder and walking back to the main area. You go up to the bar and order a drink. Sans comes up to you and clears his throat. You look at him, curiously.

"Hey... um... I just wanted to say you did amazing out there." He says, his hand rubbing the back of his skull.

"You did too," You smile at him.

"Yea, well... I was wondering if you wanted to go get something to eat from the restaurant area after the winner is announced?" Sans asks, that same blue hue upon his cheeks.

You blush at the question slightly. "Sure. I'd love to."

"Cool... Catch you, then?"

"Catch you then."

Sans offers a smile and walks off towards the dancefloor. You also walk off towards the dancefloor, waiting on the results.

"Well folks," Grillby says. "Your votes are in, and this was definitely unexpected."

Murmurs are heard from the crowd as you and Sans look at each other in confusion.

"It was a tie!" Grillby announces, making the crowd cheer. "You know what that means, folks! These two come back to compete tomorrow, this time dancing hip hop!"

You and Sans smile at each other and nod. The two of you walk off of the dancefloor, going to the restaurant portion to have a nice meal and relax before having to go back the next day to compete against each other again.

The two of you talk and laugh for the rest of the night about anything and everything. It was pleasant. However, all good things must come to an end when you two finally have to split for the night with promises to see each other tomorrow. Your walk back to the Ruins doors was long and lonely, but eventually you got into the house and got settled into bed with a small smile on your face. You soon fall into a peaceful sleep with sweet dreams about a certain skeleton. 


Hello, my lovelies!! Here's another small oneshot for your reading pleasure! I know, I disappear for months only to come back and do two updates in two days! 

Anyway, I started that one Dancetale Sans x Reader book that I talked about in the last update. I already have two chapters done, and I am debating on publishing them. So, if you would like to read it, please let me know! Also, I am still very much taking requests. So, if you have anything you would like me to write, please don't hesitate to comment and let me know! 

And as always, 

Stay beautiful, my lovelies! <3

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