Heart vs. Head: The Real Battle

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Hey, y'all! I have decided to do something a little bit different for this part. As the title says, this is Heart vs. Head. I got the idea from a writing prompt on pinterest that says "describe a conversation between the heart and the head", so that's what I'm doing. I might do the consequences of when each one wins, so it might be a 3 part thing. We'll see how it goes.

It was a normal Saturday evening in the Carden house. As usual, Megan was overbearing over her crush of the week, all while Marci was trying to get her to see the logical side of things; Megan's not having it of course.

"Marci, why can't you leave me alone about these things? I think I know just a little bit more about it than you do," Megan said with all sarcasm in her voice.

"And why do you say that?" the sister retaliates.

"Well, because I was born first." The brunette states, matter of factly.

"You were only born three minutes earlier than me, genius," Marci rolls her eyes.

That's right, Megan and Marci are twins. And yes, Megan uses that excuse every time.

"Still counts." Megan giggles, stubbornly, only to have Megan mumble a quiet 'whatever' before going on, out loud this time.

"I just don't want you to get hurt again, that's all."

"Psshhhtt... I won't get hurt agai-"

"You say that every time, Megan."

Megan only looks down at that comment before looking back up to her twin sister and scowling.

"I really wish you would just leave me alone about this kind of thing. What's it to you if I get hurt anyway? It's not effecting you?" Megan mumbles the last part.

"Really? It doesn't hurt me?" Marci started. "Remember last month's fling?? When he dumped you for being 'too annoying and clingy'??" Megan winced slightly at the reminder. Marci didn't stop at that, however. "I did not sleep for a week and a half after that breakup, if you can even call it that."

This time, it was Megan's turn to get heated. "You didn't have to stay up with me! You could've went and slept in the other room or the living room." She scowls.

"Megan, I didn't sleep because I couldn't sleep."

"Wait, what?"

"I was entirely too worried about you to sleep. That's why I was up. I was making sure you were okay." Marci sighs slightly. Megan just stared at her. "I was making sure that if you needed me, I was right there. And I always will be."

Megan started to tear up a little bit before walking over to her twin, who had put her book down long ago and was now staring at the 'older' twin with a small, but genuine smile placed upon her lips. Before anything else could be said, Megan embraces Marci in a bear-tight hug.

"Thank you, Marci." Megan finally says after a while.

"Always, Meg. I will always be here for you, no matter what." Marci whispers into her sister's ear.

Sooo.... There's that one. I'm not too proud of this one, and I might redo it later, but for right now, there's that. Please let me know how I can make this better. Leave me questions, comments, concerns, or any other things you might want to add/talk to me about. I'd be happy to engage in conversation.

Thank you so much for reading. My requests are always open.

Stay beautiful, my lovelies.

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