Chapter Eight: The Party

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Cyrus stared up at the night stars that hanged over Ulant. It was simply beautiful to him. He never imagined being so close to the stars--feeling as if he could actually grasp those bright lights from the sky. He sighed deeply, wishing he could watch the beautiful lights with awe, but he had a mission tonight. A mission concerning Andrea's safety.

"I wonder though...why would Ty attack Andrea...?" Cyrus said to himself slowly.

As he traveled down the smooth, dark road with other small groups or couples, he thought aimlessly. Wondering when it all would occur--in a hour? A minute? A second? He questioned himself, remembering the vision from earlier with disgust. The eyes Andrea had put a scar on his memories--he wouldn't let Ty do as he pleased. No matter if he was his best friend. He had to stop the confrontation from ever happening.

He also questioned the vision. It could be false, but for some reason--he believed it to be true. He also felt as if he had experinced these visions before. His thoughts began to ache and he simply decided to leave it be. He suddenly stood still, hesitating on the plan of action he had created. He shivered lightly and sighed deeply, smirking boldly afterwards, "I sure hope I live through the night..."

The members of Vanguard approached the steeled entrance gate leading into the palace's grounds. Vincent asked, "So...what is the plan, Captain?"

Andrea came to a halt and turned to them, "Enjoy the party for now, but spread out if possible. We are not the only ones protecting these people tonight."

"Yes ma'am." nodded the members before her.

She turned towards the gate, watching as people slowly swarmed inside the palace's grounds. Colorful and huge air ballons floated in the sky, circling the palace as if controlled. Flashy lights with bursting bright colors bounced off the walls surrounding the palace and a up-beat party musical played, vibrating through the night air. Andrea soon pushed ahead of the group, taking in everything surrounding her, but suddenly she halted once more. The others stared at her back, the light shooting onto her from the party causing her to be portrayed as a beautiful silhouette. "Alexia...I am sorry I could not do anything. Please, never do what you did again. I will do the sacrificing..."

Before Alexia could spout a word, Andrea pressed forward again and left them. Vincent sighed and gave a geniune smile, holding the side of his face, "How could any person not applaude at her progress...?"

"We have a kind Captain. One that cares for her men and plans to do all the sacrificing. I understand her feelings, but please, we must relieve her load. She deals with many things that we could not ourselves..." Sven said sincerely.

"I believe in that...She is highly respected and young. Not just by her father's accomplishments, but by her undivided attention and strong resolve to change the world. I will follow her to the ends of the world if I could..." Alexia said softly.

"Well, enough of the sappy talk. Enjoy the party. And most importantly, stay safe. Until next time." Vincent grinned, walking off.

Sven smirked, "Well, enjoy the party, Alexia. The Captain cares for your well-being, so do not try to take things on yourself. Call on your family."

Alexia watched him walk off, standing in a daze by the final word he spoke. Family... She thought hard and eventually a headache fell over her. She decided to move out of the main road and found a lit alley connecting to the main road. She soon ran her shoulder into the bricked wall of the alley and turned to face the wall, her head pressed against the cold bricks. Slowly, she descended to the ground, her knees touching the alley floor and soon droplets fell from her eyes. She continued to be this way for many seconds and eventually clenched her teeth, throwing away her soft side. Slowly, she rose up with a better resolve than she ever had. She smiled sadly to herself, "I still think about them...even though they despise my exsistence..."

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