Prologue: L'osteria

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The bustling streets were hectic and filled with casual parties of people, all with a certain destination in mind. Amidst the massive crowds of people traveled a young male, alone and troubled. He long waited for his late friend, eager to explore through out the bowels of the ancient warehouse they had discovered recently. He crossed his arms and sighed, "Man, can you arrive any later Ty...?"

Suddenly, he felt something vibrate against his leg. He responded and took his cell out of his pants' pocket. He reliazed the familiar digits and answered, "You've reached your pal Cyrus."

"Cute. I couldn't come down Main Street. It's pretty crowded down that way. I went ahead and started heading to the warehouse, so get your butt over here already."

"Right, right. Just don't start until we're all there." Cyrus told him.



Cyrus bumped knuckles casually with his tall caramel skinned friend Ty and together they smirked at each other. "So, anyone else come by?" Cyrus asked him.

"Nah...Not a soul."

"Hm, still nobody bothers to check through this area, huh...? It's as if this warehouse doesn't even exist at the harbor." Cyrus said perplexed.

Ty crossed his arms and stared at the ancient warehouse, which stood tall, but looked to have been standing here for atleast a century. The surface of the warehouse was beaten and filled with gaps and even the roof had a few holes here and there. The double wooden door entrance was rocking back and forth from the gentle breeze of the summer afternoon. It was certainly old and nearly at it's limit, soon kneeling over and biting the dust. Of course, the pair wasn't here to stare at it. They were more interested into the contents inside of it. They never expected to find weapons inside of it. They were in massive crates or scattered on the cold ground somewhere--weapons ranging from katanas to cannon balls from early history to modern assualt rifles and even bombs.

Cyrus and Ty both enjoyed exploring inside the warehouse. They've only been inside atleast three times and each time they didn't get caught. Besides the fact that the warehouse held weapons from different timelines was facisnating to them. The boys knew nothing of the warehouse's history and even asked about it from teachers and even citizens in the area. All of them knew nothing at all. It was odd to them how people didn't know because the warehouse towered over any other at the harbor and took up a good portion of the harbor.

Cyrus found himself staring off across the ocean, mesmerized by the setting. The orange, round sun was slowly sinking into the horizon-the sky colored with beautiful streaks of purple and orange, coloring onto the azure sky. The ocean rippled and waved gently, the surface bright and gold-like from the orange sun and the afternoon breeze carried the ocean smell up to their nostrils. The boys admired the scene, but their silence ended once they heard voices nearby. Suddenly, they both were staring at a pair of even-heighted girls walking along the edge of the harbor, chatting along with casual laughter of today's events. Ty grinned and yelled out, "Heyyy! Over here!"

The girls stood alarmed, but soon became at east once they saw Ty and Cyrus. Together they jogged over to the boys swiftly. Cyrus smiled, "Hey there, Chloe and Nessa."

"Is this the place...?" Chloe asked.

"Yup...This warehouse isn't the cleanest place in the world, by the way." Ty informed them.

Nessa didn't seem the slightest surprised, "Understandable. It's a total dump."

Cyrus could feel her cold streak from her eyes, but understood that Nessa was always like this. Chloe's mossy green eyes began to sparkle, "Cool! It looks like one of those spooky places that people go in on T.V.!"

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