Chapter Thirteen: The Calm

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"Get in there!"

Reid was roughly pushed forward, hitting the dirty floor, rolling, and slamming against the tiled nasty, scratched wall. He growled at the steel plated guard that threw him in the dungeon cell. The guard smirked at him, along with a slow shake of his steel helmeted head, "Should have stayed dead. Now, you can rot in here."

The guard slammed the cell door and locked it. Afterwards, spitting at Reid, the saliva landing on his cheek. The young Prince beared the disrespect, watching the guard walk off with his spear tied to his back. After what seemed to be five minutes to Reid, he wiped away the saliva. "If only I knew why I live..."

He balled his hands and rested his head on his bent knees that were close to his face. A cool air whipped around his body and he shivered, realizing how cold the cell was. He thought about Flora, the kingdom he called "home" years back and how beautiful the country was. The Prince remembered the citizens of Flora, filled with such respect and diginity. Reid was born into a aggressive era that had finally ended when he was nearly five. At the time, his father and mother believed in grasping power and crushing the countries that went against them. His parents always bumped heads with many countries, but it wasn't until he was ten--that his parents started to act reckless. They had begun to strip young citizens of their lives, making them into test subjects. They used them to test their discoveries dealing with science--combining their severed body parts into chemicals to create masses of shade. Shade being a famous mineral holding a large amount of resources. Citizens of Flora knew of the experiments, but fear took hold of them, causing them not to speak on it. The only thing they could do was hide away their children, hoping that their end wasn't soon.

Every human being that was born in L'osteria is filled with a certain type of energy. Whether this energy was dormant or active. Active energy taking form as physical or mental powers such as shape-shifting, controlling one of six elements, or bearing a longer life span than others. Dormant energy is special unlike active--the individual bearing no control over the energy. It has unlimited possibilites, such as visions, transformations, and so on. Younger individuals tend to have a higher amout of energy, therefore the reasoning behind the experiments. All energy or potential is inside everybody living on L'osteria, the roots of this power originating from The Ancients. A race of supernatural beings who were around near the birth of the planet, exploring the world and marking new lands. They acted as God's angels, ensuring the peace of the people they gave birth to.

The history of the world didn't matter to Reid in his thoughts, but history repeats itself. The Bloodline Project was happening again. A project that the Ancients found necessary to do. They used their own children to create shade as well. A long war took place once the children had found out, lasting centuries until every Ancient was killed. They wiped the world of God's angels and controlled their lives from then on, leading to L'osteria's current present.

"It's clear my father had read of the project..." Reid said to himself. "And here I thought my old man wouldn't read a damn thing..."

He listened to the sound of dripping water from outside his cell, his thoughts spreading like the puddle as the dripping water connected with its' surface. He regretted his past actions, his influence by his parents provoked him to do terrible things with his power. He bit his lip and prayed to whatever God was listening. Praying for the lost souls he took part in taking. He felt like he deserved to rot in a cell and burn forever in hell. But, he found a solution from his prayer.

"I have to stop them..." Reid whispered. "I have to stop...the destruction of L'osteria..."

"Release Cyrus!"

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