Chapter Fourteen: Sparks Before Corruption(1/2)

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Raine rushed towards her brother with her glaive high, striking down at his forehead. Liam dodged, diving to the left and colliding with the hard ground. She didn't stop her pursuit, shifting gears by slinging her glaive at him. Clenching his teeth, he quickly countered her glaive by striking it upward. Quickly, it descended, planting itself into the ground. Afterwards, he found himself being choked by Raine. He roughly grabbed the back of her neck and eventually rammed his head into her own after many grunts. She staggered back, a fresh wind wrapping around Liam as he stood.

"Give it up, Raine!" Liam shouted, breathing heavily.

"You know I can't do that...!" Raine roared. "The enemy isn't Averest, Liam!"

Liam became still, his rageful eyes locked onto Raine's, "You know...who did it...?"


"What the hell is that?"

"Corrupt is a rogue, but extremely powerful group that has always lurked in the shadows of Maesteria. Do you remember what happened at Grayden?" Raine explained.

"Grayden...? Are you referring to the destruction of that city when we were kids?"

"Yes. The story was twisted to not let the people know the truth. Corrupt lead the destruction of Grayden. The citizens of that town wasn't slaughtered by bandits, but by trained bandits, all possessing the power to shapeshift." A dark shadow looming over her.

Liam took a step toward her, "How can I believe that? You mean to tell me shapeshifters have been in our land all along?"

"You act as if there weren't any...They always been around, Liam. Even our law against shapeshifters entering our land couldn't stop them." Raine stared at him, her eyes suddenly transfixed on his necklace. "Tell me...Where did you get that, Liam?"

"You of all people should know..."


As she remembered the pain of losing her mother and her brother in the past, her legs buckled and her strength faded. Raine dropped on her knees, tears creeping out from the sides of her eyes, "Liam...I thought I had lost you as well..."

He sighed, kneeling beside Raine and placing his hand on her head gently, "I'm alright, kiddo..."

"For now, anyways..." Raine sighed, wiping her tears. "I need your help, Liam."

"We should be going after Corrupt, right? Then we can return to father..." Liam said, imagining a plan of action.

"I am sorry, Liam, but...our father is dead..."

Almost instantly, his heart became still and everything froze in his mind. The thought of such a powerful man falling was unbelievable to him. The man who taught him how to fight. The man who cared for his family just alike his proud citizens. The same man who would take a deadly blow for Liam and live the next day. "Father..." Liam spoke softly, his eyes shaking by the magnitude of his death.

Vivid memories of the muscular, caramel skinned man floated through his mind. The beautiful golden glaive he had was so purely crafted with keen waves splashing upward. He always stood burly and tall, firmly holding his glaive as his arms bulged or flexed. His spiky, dark hair fell past his shoulders and his beard was cleanly shaved--face strong and eyes a bright, golden brown.

Raine watched his eyes carefully, "Liam...I am sorry...I couldn't protect anyone..."

He grabbed her shoulders firmly, a dark gaze falling upon her, "Tell me...who did it...?"

"Corrupt..." She said with a tainted gaze. "The same men who slaughtered all royal figures able to ascend to rule and now they control over our nation..."

Liam began to shiver, scared by his own words, "I swear...I will kill them all...I will make certain that their death is slow and painful. I will make them--"

"Liam, no..." Raine grabbed his face with her hands, her soft eyes calming him. "That is not the way we've been taught. Our people come first, brother. We must take back our country..."

"Y-Yes...You are right. I'm sorry, Raine, for everything I said before..." Liam nodded, controlling his body. "It's time I accepted myself."

Raine nodded in approval and rose up with her brother's support, both looking at the barren palace grounds of Ulant. "You should go, Raine." Liam said to her.

She shook her head, "I can't do that, Liam. I...I have to protect my own people before I can help Rydia and King Maxwell..."

"Very well, but..." Liam's eyes became stern. "If Corrupt is strong as you say--we are gonna need allies. We need Kouka and Averest."

She listened to his words, walking forward, then slowly turning to him, her face set on the task ahead, "Alright then. Question is...when do we strike...?"

"The aftermath of the battle last night ended well on our end. We destroyed the vessels that tried to hide themselves. But, of course, we lost many men and Commander Remi nearly lost a arm. Nevertheless, we succeded."

Andrea nodded slowly, her thoughts elsewhere, "Very good..."

Alexia stood troubled, "Is everything alright with you?"

"I would be lying if I said everything was alright..." Andrea sighed. "I am troubled by Reid Sullivan."

"Captain...I do not know how you would feel about this, but...I want to believe in Chloe's words..."

Andrea turned to Alexia, her gaze keen, but eventually became soft, "I want to believe that too..."

"Yes...I know it is hard for you. Reid took part in your father's death after all..."

The Captain of Vanguard sighed heavily and swipe away a wisp of her hair from in front of her eye. She was perplexed in a way by her feelings. She hated Reid Sullivan, but also cared for him. The morning light pouring into the mansion's grand windows, bringing in light to the living room. Alexia stood feets away from her, uncrossing her arms over her chest, "Well, that is merely my opinion on the matter. We should worry about Averest's safety for now."


She stood at attention towards her Captain, surprised that she called her by her first name, "Y-Yes...?"

"I have to go see him. more time...I need to clear up something..."

A smile formed on Alexia's face, "Alright. Remember to be cautious, Captain. He is Reid Sullivan."

"Right..." Andrea nodded, passing Alexia.

After Andrea left the wide, living room with expensive furniture, she gazed out to the blue skies outside the window. She felt a burning sensation run up her right arm, her patched eye burning as well. A shadow loomed over her, "How long will I be able to maintain this body...?"

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