Chapter Fourteen: Sparks Before Corruption(2/2)

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"Why have you come...?"

"You should know why I have come, Sullivan."

Reid tilted his head, his eyes becoming wary, "For my life, perhaps?"

"Well, if I wanted to end your life--I would have done so already."

Andrea grabbed the cell's rusty bars firmly, glaring at Reid, "Who..."

"Excuse me?" Reid stared.

"Who killed my father?"

"You should already have your answer..."

"Guard!" Andrea called.

The steel plated dungeon guard came running from down the underground corridor, the torches mounted to the wall flickering as he passed them. Soon, he reached Andrea, standing at attention, "Yes, Captain Lotus?"

"Where is the key to this cell?"

"Erm, here..." The guard hesitated, holding the silver keys on a rusty silver loop with caution.

He pointed to the key that would unlock the cell, afterwards Andrea grabbed them and inserted the appropriate key. Reid quickly rose up once he noticed the deadly intent from Andrea. Easily, she charged at him, grabbing his neck and slamming him against the corner of the cell. "C-Captain Lotus?" The guard stared.

"Leave us be. I only wish to get some answers." Andrea barked.

The guard obeyed, nodding befoe returning to his post down the corridor. Reid struggled to breathe, his glossy eyes glaring at Andrea, "Unhand me!"

"Answer my question, Sullivan. Who...killed my father...?"

Her grip became tighter as he held in the answer. He felt his throat beginning to burst under the pressure--his mind giving in to the aggressive nature of Andrea, "Flash!"

She removed her hand from around his neck, stepping back, "Is that the truth?"

"I have no reason to lie. After all...I'm gonna rot away in this smelly cell..." Reid explained after a burst of struggling breaths.

Suddenly, Andrea took hold of his forearm, pulling him towards her. Reid's face was inches from Andrea's, both remaining completely silent. Eventually, Andrea released him and created some space between them, "It is just as I thought..."

"What...?" Reid asked, his curious eyes staring at her.

"Your power. It isn't active, which means you are not a threat."

Reid sighed, "I have no control over it. Did people really believe I could control that madness?"

"Well, you seemed to enjoy making others kill themselves with your power in the past." She glared.

"There it goes again...You people know nothing of my power..."

"Then explain. Explain to me why you would march for world conquest, hoping for destruction, killing innocent people left and right?" Andrea responded.

"Well...would you believe me if I said I wasn't doing that?"

"Why would I believe that? Only you can achieve what you did."

"Oh really? My power is...special unlike other people. It is shared."

Andrea crossed her arms, growing impatient, "I have no time for this nonsense. I have gotten my answer, I am leaving now."

Before she could turn away, he grabbed her arm, "Listen. I know you probably hate me and all that, but it is important that you know...only you..."

"What are you getting at?" Andrea asked, her heart jumping by his stern gaze.

"Surely you've heard of the founders of magic, have you not?" He started, his eyes dull. "I am cursed. Cursed by one of the founders, Zera..."

"Master Zera cursed you?" Andrea's eyebrow perked up.

He let go of Andrea and immediately turned his back towards her, lifting his shirt and revealing the dark hand print looked to had been pressed deeply into his back. A symbolic circle surrounded the hand print, symbols running around the outside of the circle. She hesitated, but ultimately rested her hand on the dark hand. A dark, crimson flash of a figure was burned into her mind--fear making way to her heart and she jumped back, breathing heavily, " that...?"

"That is the cursed beast put inside me...The monster from old times when the Ancients roamed the planet in search of it. Kaluan...the devil's incarnation..."

"This is not up for argument! I have set my mind..."

Individuals seated around the large, round wooden table thought of the King's decision carefully. Gaunlet didn't wait for a response, "We cannot stay in peaceful times forever. I have thought long and hard about war since long ago. But...a greater enemy is upon us and we are not the only ones in need of peace. It is about time we started to think of other countries surrounding us."

"My King...we owe none of these nations anything." Ethan spoke.

"I do not care about that! Our enemy is not Flora or Maesteria. None of the countries are." Gaunlet slammed his fist on the desk.

Edge's eyes sparked with interest, "Who is our enemy then?"

"The dark merchant, of course..."

"With all due respect, killing a single merchant will not stop this war, Your Majesty."

Gaunlet glanced over at the speaker, laying eyes on Guillian Killian, "Do I need to remind you who tried to kill me last night? This "merchant" has his own damn entourage! Flora is not who we should be pointing our blades at--instead pointing them at Sanction!"

"We have little information about Sanction. How are we supposed to find them?" Remi explained, her right arm wrapped tightly in bandages alike her forehead.

Ethan raised his finger, one of his eyes shut, "Your Majesty, you had said that there was a man and a girl you had a audience with earlier, no?"

"Sharp as ever, I see. You were evasdropping, correct?" Gaunlet smirked. "Then you understand our situation. Whether we believe his words or not--Jinx is obviously our main enemy."

Guillian cut his eyes over to Ethan, "Explain."

"Well--" Ethan started, but suddenly froze.

Edge shielded his body over Gaunlet, protecting the King from the crashing debris from above. Instantly, Ethan raised his hand, stopping the debris' movement and magically crushing them to by bringing his hands together. Two figures came from the wide hole in the ceiling, landing on top of the round table confidently. Vex grinned playfully, a slurred speech leaving his mouth, "Sorry we crashed your little...meeting."

Gaunlet brushed off Edge and glared at Laine, "Why are you here?!"

Laine's edgy smile widened, her double-barreled, short shotgun directed at Gaunlet, "Hand over Reid Sullivan or prepare to forfeit your life, Alistair..."

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