third year-chapter one

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Third year.

The year that everything FINALLY turns back to normal.

Or at least that's what I'm hoping for because in the last two years I've fought two evil spawn-thingies of Voldemort.

I guess it's partly my fault at this point. I did fall into a friendship with Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter and they have a knack for getting into danger.

First year, we thought Professor Snape was stealing the Sorcerer's Stone, but it turns out it was the DADA teacher, Professor Quirrel. So we went to go stop "Snape" from getting the stone, long story short, Harry killed the guy while I was unconscious because of the troll that had woken up.

Second year, the Chamber of Secrets had been opened. At first we thought it was Malfoy because he kept calling Mione' and the other Muggleborns mudblood. So we made Polyjuice potion to find out what he was up to, he wasn't the "Heir of Slytherin" apparently so I damaged my taste buds for nothing. Long story short again, Harry sort of killed a memory. No clue how you do that because I was again, unconscious.

Some weird things happened in second year though, the sword of Godrich Gryffindor came out of the sorting hat, only when it was around me. I asked Professor Dumbledore to explain why but he only said, "In time." whatever that means.

So now I'm sitting here in the Leaky Couldron, watching Hermione and Ron argue about their pets and who ate who.

"I'm warning you Hermione, keep that bloody beast away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!" The angry voice of Ron threatened.

"That's rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush!" Hermione retorted.

At this point the sexual tension between them is so aggravating so I tune them out and busy myself with daydreaming, but I spot two green eyes that I could recognize from a mile staring right at me and grinning.

Harry Potter.

Harry and I had just sort of clicked the moment we met. Like a twin flame or something, you know? Apparently we clicked a little too good because Ron and Hermione are always giving us knowing smirks whenever we communicate in the slightest.

I jump up from where I'm sitting on the dusty table and hug him, I haven't seen him in like two months. His arms around my waist and mine thrown around his neck. When we pull apart I get a good look at him. His jawline looks much sharper and his hair looks less like a bowl cut and more shaggier. Despite the short amount of time that we've been apart he's grown at least five inches and changed like mad. I would never admit this to Hermione but he looks really good.

"Harry!" I exclaim after pulling out of the hug. "How are you doing?"

"Brilliant. You?" He replied. I was about to open my mouth to say something else but Ron beat me to it.

"Harry!" he said, ending the argument with Hermione. She whips her head back to see her bespectacled friend.

"Harry!" she says, smiling.


"Egypt," Harry asks Ron as he sitting down at the table for food, "What's it like?"

"Brilliant," Ron replies holding the newspaper clipping so that it's facing Harry, "Loads of things like tombs, mummies, even Scabbers enjoyed himself." He adds chuckling.

"You know the Egyptians used to worship cats?" Hermione asks cuddling her cat, Crookshanks.

"Oh my god." I murmur before setting my head into my arms. Harry pats the top of it and I release my head from where it's resting to shoot him a playful glare.

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