third year-chapter seven

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A/N: kinda regretting not making my book super deep with good writing... n e ways. also if you didn't know, i'm very anti sean, gary, robbie, tom and jkr. (letting you know) :)

"D'you think he'll be alright?" said Hermione nervously as we were making out way up the stairs. Everyone was preoccupied with the recent events at Care of Magical Creatures class, I on the other hand, had my mind still trying to wrap around the fact that I have a huge crush on Harry. Yikes...

"'Course he will." I heard Harry say from my right. "Madam Pomfrey can mend cuts in about a second," I thought back to second year when Professor Lockhart had made all the bones in Harry's arm disappear after a "rouge" bludger tried to kill him.

"That was a really bad thing to happen in Hagrid's first class," Ron said from my left. "Wasn't it?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, dazed. "Sucked..."

It was about an hour before dinner time so Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I made our way back to the common room.

I walked a bit behind the three to give myself the space to think.

"You okay?" Harry said from beside me. Brilliant.

"Yeah," I replied, startled "Of course. Why wouldn't I be okay? I mean-I'm fine, are you fine? er-- I mean, are you okay? Good?" Try to be more obvious, Y/N.

He let out a chuckle at my awkwardness. Thank god he's so oblivious to not notice that my face was probably flushed pink.

"I'm okay..?" he said amused, though it sounded like a question.

"Good.. good.." I replied, thinking of ways I could ship myself away from this moment.

I could see him studying my face out of the corner of my eye, as if he was trying to find out all my secrets, or at least why I was acting so skittish. The thought of him just looking at me was making my heartbeat speed up.

"Y/N! Harry! C'mon!" I heard Ron yell from above us. I let out a relieved chuckle before running past Harry to the girl's dormitory.

Once I reached there I threw my books onto the bed, and faced Hermione.

"You were right." I said simply, leaning forward on my hands that were pressed against the four-poster bed.

"Be more specific, I'm always right." I heard her voice coming from under the bed when she ducked down to retrieve a quill that had fallen.

"About Harry." I explained, crouching down so I could see her face in the space between the bed and floor.

"Hm." she murmured, very nonchalantly might I add.

"Hermione, are you listening to me?" I said, rising up with her because she found her quill.

"No. Sorry, what were you saying?" she finally snapped out of her trance, looking up from the quill she dropped.

"youwererightaboutharry." I mumbled guiltily, looking down.

"Say that again." she demanded, slowly smiling as if what I said was her dream come true.

"You . . . wererightaboutharry."

"No, No, No, slowly." she was now walking over, the grin taking over her entire face.

"You were right about Harry." I was waiting for her to start squealing and jumping up and down with my next sentence. "I do . . . like him."

She let out an ear deafening squeal, enough to let the boys know that there was something going on, or one of us was getting murdered. I clamped my hand over her mouth and held the back of her head with my other.

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