third year-chapter ten

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Professor Dumbledore sent all the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, where we were joined ten minutes later by the students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, who all looked extremely confused.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told us as Professor McGonagall and Flitwick closed the doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the Hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy, who was looking immensely proud and important. "Send word with one of the ghosts."

Professor Dumbledore paused, about to leave the hall and said, "Oh, yes, you'll be needing . . ."

One casual wave of his wand and the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves against the walls; another wave, and the floor was covered with hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him. 

The hall immediately began to buzz excitedly; the Gryffindors began telling the rest of the school what happened.

 I saw Xavier waving me over from the Hufflepuffs.

"Y/N!" he yelled. "C'MERE!"

"idiot," I rolled my eyes. "One second, guys," I said to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Y/N- Y/N!" he called as I neared.

"What?" I said. 

"I was going to ask, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" I crossed my arms over my chest. 

"I don't know, a supercharged serial killer invaded your common room?" He said sassily.

"I wasn't in the common room, I didn't even go to Hogsmeade." I rolled my eyes

"What?! Why?!" he asked, astounded. Oh god.

"I stayed back to give Harry company," I mumbled and looked down at my feet.


"His aunt and uncle didn't sign his permission slip, and I felt bad so I stayed back with him." I didn't even look him in the face to know he was smirking.

"So, in other words, you like Harry?"

"..No." I blushed a deep scarlet.

"You hesitated!" he laughed.

"Oh, please, I know about your crush on Terry Boot-" the last part came out muffled because he slapped a hand over my mouth.

"I told you to shut up about that," he scolded.

I pried his hand off of my mouth, "I will when you shut up about my crush on Harry-"



"Hey, Lil' L/N!" I heard the voice  of Cedric Diggory call.

Perfect, just what I needed. 

I turned around and let out a long breath. "Hi, Cedric."

"How are you? How's the Fat Lady?" he stowed his hands in his pockets. 

"She's shook, as sane as you could be when Sirius Black slashes your portrait in half." 

He laughed. Wasn't a joke.

"Well, uh, I didn't see you in Hogsmeade today." 

"I didn't go," I saw Hermione yelling for me. "Thanks for the talk, my friends are calling me." I turned around and sped-walk to the other side of the Hall. 

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