third year-chapter eight

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A/N:BRO i'm sorry i had interactivefics on when i was editing the last chapter and didn't realize i published it with my name in the a/n. ne ways you all not my very indian name now so hey erm i'm aarohi but you could call me ro, roho, rohi, whatever. (if you didn't see it then ignore this)

Professor Lupin wasn't there when we arrived at his first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. We all sat down, took out our books, quills, and parchment as light chatter made its way around the classroom.

"So, Y/N," Ron said from in front of me and turned around. He was sitting next to Hermione as I sat next to Harry. "Who do you fancy?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Ron had been trying to catch me off guard all day so that I would "accidentally" tell them.

"No one." I replied simply, crossing my arms. "Hermione was just making it up,"

"Was not!" Hermione said shrilly, turning around as well. "I could tell them who it is right now, Y/N."

I stole a glance to my right. Harry was crossing his arms and staring straight ahead, not looking at any one of us. His neck and cheeks were burning red.

Was he jealous?

"Screw you," I said to Hermione.

"Aw, you love me, L/N." she said cheekily.

Lupin arrived just in time because my embarrassment reached an all-time high, and so did the redness on Harry's face. Professor Lupin smiled vaguely and places his tatty old briefcase on the teacher's desk. He was as shabby as ever but looked healthier than he had on the train, as though he had had a few square meals.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands."

A few curious looks were exchanged as the class put away their things. Last year when our old teacher said there would be a practical lesson, he unleashed an entire cage full of cornish pixies on the class; it was particularly memorable for me because one of them ate my ponytail.

"Right then," said Professor Lupin, when everyone was done putting away their things. "If you'd follow me."

Puzzled but interested, Harry shrugged at me. It seemed like his indifference had disappeared when the topic of who I like wasn't around.

Maybe he does like me back?

I followed the class outside the door to wherever the Professor was taking us, not bothering to wait for anyone because I could handle the question being thrown my way.

"So," said a voice from my right, currently the only one who could give me butterflies. "Who is it?"

I groaned and tipped my head up to the ceiling. Honestly . . .

"Is it really that important?" I asked.

"Yes, yes it is." he responded.

"And why's that?"

"So that when they break you heart, I can beat them up, or swoop in and duel them for you." he said sarcastically. I snorted, trying to keep up appearances.

"Give me a name." he begged.





"Oh my- I- fine, um--" My head went through the list of boys that I knew. Ron? No. Theodore Nott? NO. Draco Malfoy? I let out a snort at what Harry's reaction might be at the notion that I might like Malfoy.

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