third year-chapter six

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A/N: i figured out how to do the picture thingy :)

Despite quite literally signing up for the larger load of classes, I was already super stressed, and I had only used the time-turner, like what? Twice?

Thankfully I wasn't as stupid as Hermione and only took took three extra subjects, she took all of them. I have no clue how I'm going to manage, much less her. Thank god I only have one more extra class.

After about two turns of the pocket watch, I was in McGonagall's classroom, I like to call her Minnie, but never to her face because she scares me.

I walked in and saw that Harry had chosen a spot at the back of the classroom and joined him. Once I was seated I turned to him. "You know you're not actually dying, right?" I said.

"But I've seen the 'Grim' in Magnolia Crescent, when I was waiting for the Knight Bus." He responded, turning to face me.

"Divination is all guess work, if you ask me."

"Why? What did you see in your cup?" He asked.

"Oh-er- I saw  'The Ring.' It's like a love omen, or something. Supposedly, I'm going to fall in love with someone I thought was a friend. Super unlikely." I said, trying not to look him in the eyes.

"Not that unlikely." he mumbled.

"Hm?" I asked, pretending to not hear him.

"Er, nothing." he said, diverting his attention to the front of the classroom.

"Right. And besides, don't worry your knight in shining armor will save you from the scary  Grim." I joked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, yeah? Is my knight in shining armor you or someone who's not unconscious?" he nudged my shoulder, now whispering because Minnie was speaking.

"Me. This year, whenever we do something entirely too reckless, I will be conscious." I whispered.

"I'm hoping so. Also-" He was cut off from the faint pop that indicated Minnie had just transfigured.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you all?" she asked, looking around the third years. "Not that I'm counting, but that's the first time my transfiguration hasn't earned applause."

"Please, Professor," Hermione said, raising her hand. "We've just had our first Divination class and-"

"Don't tell me," Minnie dismissed. "Which one of you will be dying this year?"

All heads turned to mine and Harry's desk or Minnie.

"Me." he finally said.

"I see. Then you should know, Potter, that Sybill Trewlaney has predicted the death of a student since she arrived at this school. None of them have died yet. Seeing death omens is her favorite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleagues--"

Professor McGonagall broke off, I could see that her nostrils had turned white and flared. She went on, more calmly, "Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience for it. True Seers are very rare and Professor Trelawney--"

She stopped again then spoke is a stern tone, "You look in excellent health to me, Potter, so you will excuse me if I don't let you off homework today. I assure you that if you die, you do not need to hand it in."

I laughed, seeing McGonagall talk about another professor like this was hilarious. Harry looked more relieved, but Ron still looked squeamish.

"What about Neville's cup?" Lavender Brown whispered.

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