third year-chapter five

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"What?" I questioned, Hermione is the weirdest person in the world. I am thoroughly convinced that she is making a big deal out of a couple flushed cheeks.

"You heard me, I've seen you two cuddling!" she whisper-shouted.

"Hermione. This conversation is over." I state, heading into the bathroom to wash the grime off from eight hours on the train.

"Fine. But you know it's true." She quirks an eyebrow while crossing her arms over her chest, then climbs into bed.

When I come out to go to bed, it seems that the other girls are already asleep, except for Hermione. In ten minutes I feel envious of the other girls because there is deafening screaming coming from the boy dormitory. I groan and pull the covers over my head.

"If it's bothering you that much, just go over there and tell them to shut up." Hermione lectures, hearing my groan.

"You're just saying that because you want me to see Harry." She isn't slick, at all.

"What if I am, Y/N? You still have to sleep."

"Why don't you go? I'm sure little Ronnie would be happy to see you." I fake pouted, flipping over to my side so I'm supported by my elbow.

"Ha Ha, hilarious," Even in the dark I can practically see her eyes rolling. "Go over there and tell them to shut up or live with it." When did Hermione get so many snappy comebacks?

"You are so annoying." And with that I fall onto my back and eventually fall asleep, thinking about a certain bespectacled boy.


"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/-" Hermione's shouting is cut off by the pillow I shoved in her face.


"YES, YES THREATEN ME LATER, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" And with that I sit up straight, taking a few seconds to let the blood rush from my head. We go to new teachers today, all of them, and I have to make a good impression. I run to the bathroom, taking my uniform with me and get ready so fast, Hermione would cry tears of joy. When I leave the bathroom, she's already gone, hopefully waiting in the common room for me. I pack my bag and hoist it onto my shoulder. I'm gonna be lucky if I don't dislocate it by the Holidays. When I go to the common room, discretely tucking the chain into my button up, I see not Hermione, but Harry.

"Harry! What are you doing? Where's Hermione?"

"Hermione said she had to go to breakfast, and that I should wait for you." He said leaning on the back of the couch, facing me. I made a mental note to tackle her the next time I see Hermione.

"Well, come on then." I said, moving towards the portrait hole.

"Ok." he said, following me.

It was an uncomfortable silence, to say the least. 

I cleared my throat as if that was going to make the tension disappear, spoiler alert: it didn't.

"So--er--what did McGonagall wanna talk about?" He asked, taking his hand from where it previously brushed mine and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh-uh nothing, just some talk about my schedule, how I was gonna attend my classes, you know?" I answered, turning my head to the left to look at him.

He nods his head suspiciously before responding, "Yeah, ok."

WHY am I acting so weird? I thought, We've walked to the great hall by ourselves COUNTLESS times. We're BEST FRIENDS. Why?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Ron and Hermione arguing, again.

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