third year-chapter twelve

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A/N: btw im not dead just a very large procrastinator

A/N: btw im not dead just a very large procrastinator

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"She was groundless and falling, fast."



Holy shit.

Holy shit. 

These were the only words running through Y/N's head while she walked back up to the school with Ron and Hermione. Y/N barely remembered going up to the school or how she even left the seat in the Three Broomsticks. 

Throughout dinner, Y/N and Harry had caught stares from Ron and Hermione. She knew they meant well, but it was really fucking annoying at this point. They couldn't speak freely because Percy was seated way too close to them. 

Heading back up to the common room, hoping for time to talk, they were met with Fred and George lighting at least half a dozen Dungbombs. Harry knew the twins would question him on whether or not he got to Hogsmeade and he couldn't deal with it right now. He snuck quietly up to his dormitory and headed straight for the bedside cabinet where the scrapbook Hagrid gave him rested. 

Y/N, on the other hand, raced up to the astronomy room, ditching the rest of the group on their way back from dinner. They called her name, sure, but she did not listen. 

What the rest of them didn't know, was that her parents meant more to her than anything else in the world. They were the ground she stood on. Despite their recent distancing from her, she still knew they were there when she needed them. Now? What did she know? What did she stand on? 

With her legs tucked up to her chest, it being the middle of the night she hardly thought anyone would come up to find her. But who else except her own Xavier L/N? Nobody. 

"Y/N?" the sandy-haired boy called out as he looked around. "Y/N, are you up here? Harry, Ron, and Hermione told me you ditched them and came here,"

"Hey," she croaked as she turned around. "Yeah, yeah, I'm up here." 

She turned back around and stared at the starry night. She'd always been a fan of stargazing, pointing out the different constellations, though no one was aware. When she heard about Sirius Black, she thought it was funny that one of the constellations in the sky had the same name as the convict. 

The boy let out a groan as he sat down on the ground next to Y/N. 

"You like the night?" he asked, mimicking her position. She merely nodded. "Not talking to me today?" he nudged her when she didn't respond. 

"Today wasn't a good day," she said in a small voice, afraid that she would start crying if she spoke any louder. 

"How come?" he dropped his knees and laid on his back, one arm supporting his head. She didn't respond. Y/N knew he cared for her, but she couldn't speak. Her parents were the ground she stood on, in the past tense. Now?

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