third year-chapter two

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"So let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban, to come after you?" Ron asked after Harry finished telling us about how a guy who killed 12 people is apparently coming after him.

Yay. And here I thought that we would be getting ONE normal year of school at Hogwarts.

"Oh, Harry. . . you'll have to be really careful. Don't go looking for trouble, Harry-" Hermione started, she sounded very worried.

"I don't go looking for trouble," said Harry, nettled. "Trouble usually finds me" I snorted.

"This isn't funny Y/N!" shrilled Hermione. I waved her off.

"How thick would Harry have to be to go looking for a murderer, Hermione?" I asked. "Besides, Harry's 13 years old, he's not about to strangle the man."

"Yeah, and Black's a murdering lunatic." Ron added shakily.

"Cheers, Ron" I said sarcastically.

"But they'll catch him, won't they?" said Hermione earnestly. "I mean they've got all the muggles looking out for him too. . . ."

"What's that noise?" I asked, noticing a faint tinny sort of whistle. We got up and searched the compartment.

"It's coming from your trunk, Harry." I said pressing my ear against the leather material on the luggage rack. I pulled it out and retrieved it from in between his robes. I extracted a ball sort of machine, it was spinning very fast and glowing brilliantly.

"Is that a Sneakoscope?" said Hermione, eyeing the object with great interest.

"Yeah. . . mind you, it's a very cheap one," Ron said. "It went haywire just as I was tying it to Errol's leg to send it to Harry." At this I handed the object to Ron and stifled my laughter. Errol and any mention of the owl reminded me of the Howler, Ron had received from his mother after Harry, Ron, and I flew their enchanted car to school.

"Well were you doing anything untrustworthy as the time?" Hermione said shrewdly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No! Well. . . I wasn't supposed to be using Errol. You know he's not really up to long journeys. . . . but how else was I supposed to get Harry's present to him?"

"Stick it back in the trunk," Harry advised as the Sneakoscope whistled piercingly. As it grew louder I covered my ears, "Or else it'll wake him." He nodded his head towards Professor Lupin. Ron stuffed it in a particularly horrible pair of Uncle Vernon's old socks, which deadened the sound, then close the lid of the trunk on it.

"N/N, you can uncover your ears now." Harry says just now noticing my uncomfortableness with the sound. I slowly uncovered them, half expecting to hear piercing whistling in the compartment, then sighed with relief when I didn't. When I realized they were stifling their laughter I rolled my eyes.

"I have sensitive ears, Harry!" I said trying to defend myself.

"Sensitive is an understatement." He did chuckling. I told be eyes again and lightly kicked him.

"Oh please, just because your hearing has gone wonky does not mean mine has"— at this I noticed Hermione smirking at me I blushed furiously and sent her a glare.

"Y/N, it isn't cold. Why are your cheeks so red?" Hermione said giggling at my flushed face.

"I swear to god Mione, I will bring up what you said in you letters about R-" At this she kept off her seat and covered my mouth with her hands. I smirked behind them. Hermione had owled me over the summer how, despite how annoying he was to her, she started to feel differently about him.

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