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PARK JISUNG SIGHED AS HE WAS WALKED DOWN THE HALL. next to him was his doctor, lee taeyong, and a boy he hadn't met before but had heard of, lee jeno.

while, jeno was guided to their new 'common room' with his hand on dr. lees arm. jisung had to hold onto a stick, the other end held by dr.lee.

jisung hated new common rooms, that meant handshakes. when he ends up extending a stick instead of a hand he wasn't sure what was going to happen.

jeno on the other hand was always hopeful when it came to new common rooms. maybe he'd make some friends, and even if he could feel stares on his sharp collar bones and light pink lines decorating his skin. he had some hope.

well, more than jisung at least. jeno had heard of jisung and seen him around, but he took this painfully long walk to really observe the boy.

he saw how jisungs knuckles were red as he tightly gripped his stick. he saw that the younger boy, had light blonde hair that was complemented by his dark smudged eyeliner and his signature lollipop he always had on him.

jisung intrigued jeno. he wanted to know more about the blonde boy. as they concluded their walk, jeno made a mental note to ask jisung how to do eyeliner later.

meanwhile, dr. kim doyoung was struggling to get a certain stripe-headed boy to the new common room.

mark lee, was not looking forward to having to meet new people. even if dr. kim had assured the boy that the others would understand him, and their was even another drug addict in the group.

mark didn't want to go.

eventually dr. kim had got mark out of room and was now, basically dragging the boy down the hall.

mark was dressed in a black leather jacket, a light gray shirt underneath and a pair of ripped black jeans. to most it would look like a very low effort look, but for mark, he was dressed very formal.

dr. kim and mark walked in, sitting opposite of two unfamiliar boys, and who mark had assumed was dr. lee.

"this is jisung, and jeno." dr. kim said looking at the boys on the left of dr. lee.

"the names mark." the boy mumbled hoarsely extending his hand out to jisung.

mark was getting annoyed that the boy wouldn't shake his hand, dr. lee seemed to sense the boys annoyance and tapped his shoulder.

"jisung here, has a fear of touch." dr. lee explained grabbing the boys stick from behind him.

"oh, my apologizes." mark grumbled walking over to jeno and sticking out his hand.

"nice to meet you..." mark said shaking the boys hand while subtly asking his name.

"jeno!" the boy flashed his signature eye smile.

mark nodded going to sit next to dr. kim.

"is this everyone? usually there's more people." jisung commented taking a red lollipop out of his pocket unwrapping it.

"no, we have a few outpatients joining us. depending on how this meeting goes you all will be moved to a dorm for the seven of you to share." dr. kim explained, pointing out the window to a small three bedroom apartment.

"so, they are outpatient but will be in-patient?" jeno remarked confused.

the two doctors nodded.

as mark, jisung, and jeno were awkwardly getting aquatinted, close friends huang limei and qian kun walked in. their legal children following behind slowly.

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