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chenle was shocked, jisung ruffled his hair. jisung touched him. a wide smiled drew on his face. "that wasn't to bad was it?" he asked looking at the taller.

"no, no it wasn't." he smiled back as they both went back to eating.

"we're just gonna ignore that?" jeno mumbled, putting a small bite of the sandwhich donghyuck made in his mouth.

"ignore what?" donghyuck questioned.

"jisung just ruffled chenle's hair." he said, glancing at the blushing boys.

"really!? that's great sungie! you were brave enough to touch someone." mark smiled to the boy next to him.

"thanks hyung."he blushed, stuffing the sandwich in his mouth.

"you ate a lot jen, i'm proud." renjun smiled, head resting on the boys lap.

the boy nodded, scared to open his mouth. dr. lee had told him if his body rejected food again they'd have to put him back on the feeding tube and the medications.

"you okay? you seem off." jaemin asked, kissing the boys forehead softly.

"junnie move i'm gonna be sick." he rushed out, running to the nearest garbage.

"poor baby..." renjun commented as they ran over to help the boy. holding his hair back.

"water!" jeno shouted out, his body trying to get rid of everything in it, guts included.

"here, here, baby drink this okay." jaemin said concerned. gently rubbing the boys back.

"it's okay baby, you're okay." renjun said, stroking his hair.

donghyuck had been having a rough day, so here he was, laying on the ground wood chips poking into his soft skin, and tears pricking his eyes.

he tried really hard to get better, for jaemin. but some days it just was too much, and normally jaemin would be there on those days, but instead jaemin was helping his boyfriend.

donghyuck couldn't be mad at jaemin, jeno was his boyfriend he was going to take care of him first. but jeno has two boyfriends, and it seemed like jaemin had forgotten that he knew donghyuck for 14 years.

donghyuck didn't know that when jaemin is with his boyfriends he talks about him all the time. all he knew was he was always with his boyfriends.

and it hurts, when the closest thing you have to family, spends more time with people he met a month ago.

"hyuck?" mark said curiously, leaning above the boy.

"what mark?"

"why are you crying?" he asked, eyes softening as he started to pick the tan boy up.

"put me down!" donghyuck shouted as mark lifted him up bridal style.

"tell me what's wrong." mark said as he walked over to a bench.

"no." donghyuck was stubborn.

he had a shell that was hard to crack and walls that stayed around his heart as high as possible.

"i'm just worried. someone who's okay doesn't cry at the playground." mark explained as he had donghyuck sit in his lap.

"well don't be." the younger snapped trying to move off the boys lap.

"how about we go to the swings now? since chenle and jisung are on a walk i they're free." mark smiled, grabbing donghyuck's hand and pulling him to the swings.

"what are we doing here?" donghyuck asked harshly.

"if you aren't gonna tell me what's wrong, i geuss i'll just have to make you happy. sit on the swing." mark said, sitting in a swing himself.

donghyuck shook his head a smirk on his lips as he sat down.

( italics = hyuck , normal = mark , bold = both )

"i wanna a billionaire so fucking bad.
buy all of the things i never had.
i wanna be on the cover of forbes magazine, smiling next to oprah and the queen." donghyuck started singing as he heard the song play from marks speaker,
" oh everytime i close my eyes, i see my name in shining lights. yeah a different city every night. oh i swear the world better prepare. ( oh yeah) for when i'm a billionaire."

"Hey (mark lee in the house), i would have a show like oprah, i would be the host of every christmas. give mark lee your wish list. i'd probably pull an angelina and brad pitt and adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had shit. yeah it's been a while donghyuck-ah. 2021 billionaire!"

"prodigy is a dream that is beyond reach, from 2013 onwards it's twice as fast as it used to be, oh come face to face on stage to reveal a light that cannot be lost. make eachother shine like old time. bring it back. 1, 2, 3."

"everytime i close my eyes, i see my name in shining lights, yeah a different city every night. oh i swear the world better prepare. for when i'm a billionaire. for when i'm a billionaire. i wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad."

"your a great singer hyuck." mark said in awe.

"your a great rapper mark lee." donghyuck laughed as the two stopped singing.

"hyuck..can-can i-" kiss you.

"HYUCK MARK LETS GO DR. LEE WHATS US TO TAKE JENO TO THE HOSPITAL!" jisung shouted as they stood waiting.

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