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jaemin froze.....na jihyo? his mother, na jihyo? donghyuck was looking at the month younger with concern. from the very beginning they had a feeling that jeno knew too much, saw to much. but not to this extent.

"do you know anything about her son?" renjun asked, grabbing jenos other hand to stop his scratching.

"he was a few months younger than me, and he had this friend...haechan, who he talked about all the time. and his name...what was his name again? jae...oh? jaehyun...? god what was- OH! jaemin. his name was jaemin." jeno said quietly.

all eyes turned to jaemin. na jaemin.

"my...my mom's name was na jihyo. i was taken away from her when i was seven...i never knew what happened to her... do you-do you know the day of her overdose?" he mumbled, looking at jeno desperately. he may of hated every moment he was with his mother, but he hated more that he never knew what happened to her.

"mhm...it was on august 13 2008. about a year after my mom started going to hers instead of her coming to our house."

that broke jaemin, shattered him, ripped his chest out of his heart and gave it a painful death. the minute the date left jeno's mouth, he started tearing up. and once the boy was done, it happened.

na jaemin sobbed.

as lee donghyuck watched the boy he had called family since he was five, start sobbing. it hurt him more than anything else. it's been a long time since jaemin sobbed like that.

"nana? do you wanna stop for a little?" he asked, looking at the smaller with love.

the boy nodded, as a thunderstorm of tears rolled down his face.

"boys, we're gonna give you a little space. let's end the session for today, 'kay? you can use the money we gave you and go into town at anytime as long as you let a nurse know." dr. lee said, closing the door softly.

"do-do you want a hug?" jeno asked shyly, he hated hugs because of his body issues, but the boy next to him looked like he really needed one.

"pl-please." jaemin chocked out between his harsh sobs.

jeno wrapped his arms around the boys shoulders, the boys head fitting snugly in the crook of his neck. jaemin had repostioned to wear he was sitting in jeno's lap. renjun had moved his chair closer and started playing with jaemin's hair, as well as rubbing the boys lap.

donghyuck wasn't sure what to do, for the first time in his fourteen years of knowing na jaemin. someone else was there to comfort him. it was actually quite pleasant for donghyuck. he and the other three left and started walking back to the dorms. to give the three boys space.

chenle and jisung were behind mark and donghyuck as they walked. chenle slightly shivering because of his damp hair and lack of warm clothing. (he was wearing a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans.) meanwhile jisung badly wanted to give the orange haired male a hug, but his fear held him back.

"when we go out later, where do you want to go shopping?" jisung asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

'hot topic. zumiez. maybe a thrift store.' the boy signed, hands shaking but jisung understand. the night before he couldn't sleep so he learned sign language.

"nice. nice. i like those stores too." jisung smiled as he saw the dorm in the distance.

"you look freezing, take this." he insisted, carefully laying his jacket over chenle's small figure.

finally the boys were ready to go shopping. jaemin had calmed down a fair amount, chenle had changed into something more suitable, but he kept jisungs jacket on, renjun and jeno quickly grabbed their things, donghyuck and mark were talking about jisung, the latter following beind oblivious.

as they arrived at the mall, they sepparated instantly, agreeing to meet at the food court at 12.

"junnie!!! look at this, it's so cute!" jaemin yelled holding up a soft pink skirt.

"it looks so good nana! what do you think of this top?" renjun asked, holding a dark blue oversized t-shirt up to jeno's body.

"jen, you look so good in blue." jaemin commented as he tried to find a top to match the skirt in his hands.

"th-thanks." jeno blushed as renjun made him put the sweater in the cart.

chenle and jisung had made a deal to buy each other an outfit from any store. currently jisung was looking for a shirt to go with the black cargo pants in his hands. he quickly picked up a black bucket hat and added it to the clothes in his hands.

chenle on the other hand had already finished the outfit for the boy. a pair of wide legged-red-cordorouy pants, a black button up, with a red eyeliner pencil to do make-up with.

"nana? jun? do you- do you like this outfit? i..uh...i picked it out while you both were changing." jeno asked, stepping out of the dressing room wearing wide legged blue jeans, a white button up and an oversized black "The Who" t-shirt over it.

"oh my god! you look so good." jaemin anything but whispered, looking the boy up and down thouroughly.

"this looks so good, jen." renjun smiled, as he himself looked in the mirror, he was wearing the light pink skirt jaemin picked out, and a pink graphic t-shirt.

"you both look...wow." jeno said as he looked jaemin up and down. the boy in a red skirt, his top being a black buttton up and a red tie.

"let's pay for these and then change back into them in the bathroom, i wanna walk into the food court hot as fuck." jaemin giggled, grabbing renjun's hand as they walked to the register, jeno blushing as he followed.

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