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MARK WAS SHOCKED WHEN HE HEARD THE DORM DOOR OPEN. "hello, boys!" dr. lee shouted ushering for the boys to join him in the living room.

"what's up, doc?" jisung asked, popping another lollipop in his mouth.

"donghyuck and jaemin got permission to stay with you. tomorrow you all will be going shopping to decorate the dorm as well as get new clothes if needed. you each have $200 to do whatever you want with and we have provided $300 for grocery shopping." he explained, placing 8 wallets down on the dusty kitchen table.

as the doctors left the seven boys awkwardly stared at eachother waiting until they couldn't hear taeyong and doyoung footsteps.

"thank the lord we finally got out!" jaemin shouted jumping up and down excitedly.

"how was it-"
"did they hit-"
"how come you got let out-"

donghyuck and jaemin were bombarded by questions.

"mark, it was hell. jisung, no they didn't hit us. renjun, i'm not sure why but lee and kim did something." donghyuck rattled off answers as he plopped down onto the couch next to jeno.

"chenle says he's glad you're back." renjun interpreted looking at the younger chinese male.  

jaemin smiled sitting down next to chenle and ruffling his hair. "thanks, lele."

"he says 'you're welcome.'" the older chinese boy smiled, also ruffling chenle's hair. 

"so, uh, do we have rooms?" donghyuck commented. 

"yeah, we haven't decide the rooming set-up yet, there is 3 rooms and 7 of us." Mark explained, his former leading role kicking in. 

"i wanna room with lele." jisung and jaemin said in sync, shocking the orange haired boy. 

"ok, min, sung, and lele in one room." jeno said, writing down on a whiteboard he had found earlier. 

"i'll take, jeno." renjun said, smiling as jeno wrote their names down. 

"so that means mark-hyung, and hyuck are roommates." jaemin spoke, glancing at donghyuck concerned. 

"i'll be fine nana." hyuck said waving the boy off, laughing as a wide grin appeared on the others face. 

"nana?" jisung questioned, his eyes darting towards the black haired male.

"my name is na jaemin, hyuckie calls me nana." he explained, cheeks blushing as he spoke. 

later that evening, the boys were all sitting in the living room, trying to decide on dinner, but jeno was distracted. you see, although he had never had the courage to talk to jisung, jeno had an instictive parental feeling over the boy. he really cared for the younger male. 

which is why he was worried when jisung walked out of his respective room with red eyes, and barely noticable tear stains on his face. jeno was worried, was the boy okay? did something happen that no one heard? 

"sung?" jeno called, interrupting the others conversations to look at the youngest. 

"what?" jisung said, trying to sound angry but his voice broke. 

"are you okay?" the elder asked walking over to the boy, about to place his hand on his knee, when jisung screamed. 

his scream echoed throughout the hospital, high and long, his breath turning to hysterics and tears streaming. 

dr. lee and nurse suh ran in to the dorm, pushing the boys out of the way, and harshly grabbing jisung's shoulders, making the youngest scream and cry louder. 

"johnny! he's afraid of touch! don't fucking do that!" dr. lee shouted, giving the shaking boy a glass of water and a relaxant. 

"oh he's that one!" johnny said panicking as before he handed jisung a lollipop. 

"johnyy, leave. boys, if he freaks out again call me or dr. kim immediately. oh, and try to find out what happened." dr. lee said, slamming a bottle of pills on the table, and calmly exiting. 

"so...sungie, what happened?" renjun asked cautiously. 

"i-i-i was thinking about him." jisung hiccuped, hands shaking as he drank some water. 

"can you tell us who he is?" mark asked, noticing renjun stiffening. 

"m-m-my best friends dad, hua-huang wenyan. he-he used to hurt me and-and his son before he moved to china with his other son's mom." jisung, softly glancing at renjun. 

ever since they first met, jisung had known. renjun looked so much like wenyan, the same last name was just the cherry on top. to confirm what he though to be true. renjun's father is the man, who abused him and killed his best friend. 

"renjun? is something wrong?" donghyuck as he noticed tears streaming down his face. 

"my dad, he left my mom and i when i was 5, he lived in korea for 10 years. he came back when i was 15. he had a 13 year old son in korea, who-who he killed, and his son-his son's friend lived with them. my dad left before the cops got there, and the friend was thrown into foster care...he had protection in china for a while, but then limei-jie and kun-ge  found him hitting me, and he and my mom were sent to jail." renjun explained, looking at jisung sadly. 

"my best friends name, was huang jingyi. he was murdered by his father on march 23 2015. his other sons birthday....huang renjun's birthday." jisung said, as renjun broke down in sobs. 

"do-do you know who jingyi's mother was?" renjun asked through sobs, if he could find someone related to his brother that wasn't wenyan, maybe, maybe he could hear more about them. 

"no, but i remember jingyi telling me something about his brother." jisung smiled, as he and renjun shared eye-contact, their stories so simillar yet so different in the long run. 

"he said 'jisung-ah, there is something, i want you to make sure of....if you ever meet renjun-ge, tell him, tell him..... to find lee minhyung." 

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