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"jen! are you o-" mark yelled, stopping when he saw the scene in front of him. he knew about the three boys complicated triangle. but this, this was bad.

he saw the way jeno's heart broke looking at the two boys, kissing.

"c'mon jen. let's get u cleaned up." mark said trying to drag the boy to the bathroom, but he didn't budge.

"jen...c'mon." he sighed.

"mark?" donghyuck called from the kitchen, "is everything alright?"

"yeah it's fine."

"jen. let them talk to you later, but now we need to clean your hand." the eldest groaned, this, this was why he was addicted to drugs.

"LEAVE ME ALONE MARK!" jeno yelled, finally facing the elder.

"hey, calm down jen, i'm just trying to help." he said, letting go of the boys hand.

"JUST GO MARK! OKAY?" he screamed, running to his and renjun's shared room, locking the door.

"hyung? is-is jeno-hyung okay?" jisung asked when mark walked back in.

"just shut up jisung! god do you-"

' - ever stop talking!" wenyan yelled, slamming his fists against the table. the young boy had just asked if he and jingyi could go to the park.

"you're a good for nothing piece of shit! just stop talking! no one wants you, so shut the hell up!" he screamed, slapping jisung across the face.

"i'm so-sow-sorry sir." he stumbled over his words, tears rolling down his face.


"jisung? buddy, please you're scaring us." donghyuck comforted sitting with his face in front of the boy.

"i'm so-sow-sorry hyung." jisung said looking at mark, sitting next to him.

"it's not your fault sungie, i was angry and took it out on you for no reason." the eldest said, looking the boy in the eyes.

"jeno, please let us explain." renjun begged sitting outside the door.

"what's there to explain? just go back to jaemin."

"jaemin and i like you so much, jen. you saw the wrong thing at the wrong time. we both want you." renjun said leaning his back against the wall.

"who could like me?" jeno's voice broke.

"why wouldn't we like you?" jaemin said, head peaking out from inbetween his knees.

"i'm too ugly, look at you and jin! you're both so beautiful! nana with your beautiful smile, your nose, your skin is so soft and your laugh makes me so happy. and-and junnie, your so fashionable and your smile lights up a whole room, and your thighs oh my god your thighs they're so squishy! you're just- you're both so stunning and i'm....i'm me."

"lee jeno, you are one of the prettiest people i have ever met. your eyes are so pretty, they make me so happy, and you're so pretty, that outfit you wore the other day looked so good on you. junnie and i like you so much." jaemin said, tears running down his face, how could someone so beautiful think that way?

the door knob turned and renjun fell backwards onto jeno's fluffy slippers. "hi. m-my boyfriends?" he said shyly, scratching the back of his neck.

jaemin and renjun nodded. all was well.

"JAEMIN! HELP IT'S-IT'S JISUNG YOURE HIS MOM WHAT DO I DO?" donghyuck shouted at the three hugging boys.


"i-i don't know but he-he started shaking and screaming, kinda shocked you didn't hear but anyways, and he kept saying 'nana! get nana!' and he won't talk to any of us." the boy panted.

jaemin ran downstairs and sat as close to jisung he could without touching him. "hey-hey sungie, it's me nana. what's wrong bubs?" he mumbled.

"you were there! you! you're the boy!" jisung sobbed, looking up at the elder.

"what are you talking-"

' "-about jisung?" na jaemin was at a party with donghyuck but the latter was getting some cash.

jisung on the other hand was so high, lucy was impressed.

"clouds are just fluffy cats!! and/and they can show shift." he said, eyes almost popping out of his head.

"c'mon jisung, let's get you to bed."

na jaemin was the first one who ever took care of jisung after jingyi.'

"i-i keep having flashbacks and-and you were in it! you-you were talking about your friend-friend, haechan! but-but you left me, you left me!" jisung screamed, face wet with tears.

"you left me alone."

"i-i still don't know what you're talking about." jaemin stuttered confused.

'once jisung was tucked into bed, jaemin left to meet up with donghyuck, bowing to say hello to a man. choi sanghwa.

when jaemin left, sanghwa went into jisung's room. and he-'

"HE RAPED ME HYUNG!" jisung yelled, stomping to his feet.

"what? who? jisung i would've never purposely put you in that situation."

"i know! that's what makes it worse! i keep-i keep on seeing what he did! and-and i don't have anyone to blame it on!"

"boys, what's happening here?" dr. lee asked, rushing over.

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