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jaws dropped, as the seven boys walked in. jaemin, in his newly bough outfit, along with renjun and jeno. mark in black sweatpants, a baby blue t shirt hanging off his shoulders, and a blue baseball cap. donghyuck was wearing black leather pants, and a red muscle tee. chenle was wearing black cargo pants, a light pink undershirt, and a black off the shoulder jacket, and finally, jisung was looking extra-tall in his high waisted corduroy pants, black button up and smuged red eyeliner. 

"someone tell me how we managed to accidently match outfits." donghyuck giggled as he pointed at himself, jaemin, and jisung. 

"we did to, hyuck." renjun stated standing next to chenle. 

"damn, we're skilled." mark joked as they sat down outside 'Jae & Johnny's Pizzeria.' 

"hello, my name's abbie, i'll be your waitress for the day! what can we get started for ya?" she smiled pulling a notepad out of her apron. 

"wait, abbie. i know these boys, i'll take care of them." a tall man with long blonde hair said, ushering the smaller girl away. 

"j-johnny?" mark stuttered looking at the man surprised. 

"mark! it's been so long since i've seen you. you managed to escape taeyong and doyoung?" he smiled high-five-hugging the younger. 

"nah, not yet. but i have gained offsite privellages." 

"that's great! introduce me to your friends." johnny insisted, pulling up a chair and sitting at the end of the table. 

"i'm lee jeno." the boy said hesitantly. 

"you seem familiar...are you ten's brother?" the elder asked, looking at the nervous boy curiously. 

he nodded as they quickly through the rest of the boys. 

"here on the house. from jaehyun and i." 

the boys soon arrived home, all excited about their new outfits. as they settled down, dr. lee taeyong barged into the room. "renjun, chenle, annnnd donghyuck you have mail." he stated, setting the letters on the kitchen table before walking out. 

donghyuck carefully picked up his letter and read who it was from. 


it's been awhile since donghyuck heard that name. 

you see, yangyang and donghyuck were the best of friends when jaemin was in jail. donghyuck had lost his only friend to 5 months of jail time, and yangyang was the new kid. they still stayed in contact when jaemin got out and yangyang moved to taiwan. but donghyuck hadn't heard from the boy for about a year before now. 

'dear haechan, 

have you missed me? i know i've missed you...i finally got my shit together with xiaojun and hendery. we moved in with some friends, one of them is qian kun...sound familiar? yeah he told us about renjun and chenle. let them know 'yangie' says hi. he mentioned one of the other boys their was lee donghyuck. it took me a little while to realize that you were lee donghyuck. i've missed you so much, channie. i hope we can hang out soon. 


liu yangyang <3' 

on the other hand, renjun hated the name on his letter. 


he hated it so much, that he started shaking. 

jeno and jaemin quickly rushed over worried about the boy who was slowly sinking to the floor. 

"hyungie, what-what happened?" jisung asked, sitting a few feet away from the boy. 

renjun shakily pointed at the letter, flashbacks hitting his train every second. 

'"jun-ah~ it's baba. you know we don't hide from mama and baba." wenyan said searching for the 4 year old renjun. 

the small boy was shaking and biting his hand to silence his sobs. he didn't want to get hit again. not by baba, baba was stronger than mama. 

"come out, little painter. let baba paint you." his mother joined in, trying to help her husband. 

little painter. renjun used to love painting, the brush strokes falling against the rush paper, a river against rocks. but then, painting was rough hands against smooth skin. 

"found you." his father growled.' 

renjun didn't want to remember the rest. he didn't want to remember the knife softly digging into his eyebrow, a small incision, before the doorbell rang and his father stopped. the small incision healed eventually. but it left a soft scar. 

"junnie...can you look at me?" jeno asked, rubbing the elders back softly. 

renjun looked up cautiously. jeno's soft brown eyes looking into his lovingly. 

"you're safe here, jun. we aren't going to hurt you." jaemin said, wiping renjun's tears with his thumb. 

another flashback hit renjun. 

' "so stupid, my little painter, you really think you could run from me?" that was the first thing wenyan said when he got back to china, ten years after the last time renjun saw him. 

"n-no sir." renjun stuttered, eyes on the shoes in front of him. 

"good jun-ah. you know baba loves his little painter." wenyan smirked as he walked closer to renjun. 

"you look just like a fresh canvas, jun-ah. your mama has gone easy on you." he added, caressing renjun's soft face with his callused hands. 

"your skin is softer than the korean boy." he mumbled as he made renjun take his shirt off. 

wenyan had pinned the boy down to the ground, knife in his hands tightly as he softly dragged it against the sobbing boys skin. "hmmm, jun-ah, where should i put this scar? not some pretty little scar like your face...no my little painter....this one will be a long paint stroke, where should we put it jun-ah?" he teased dragging the blade over renjun's collarbone. 

"i like right here." he smirked. 

all that could be heard in the house were renjun's screams.' 

"JUN! breathe...okay, why are you screaming? whats wrong-" 

"jisung's skin is soft." he breathed out, startling the young boy. 


a/n; dedicated to abbie my beloved, i hope you liked your cameo. 

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