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jisung and renjun were silently talking about jingyi.  jeno and jaemin were listening intently slightly confused but still listening, chenle and donghyuck had decided to make some teokbokki to cheer everyone up.

and that left mark. he was sitting by himself trying to remember something about a huang jingyi or huang wenyan.

why did jingyi ask for renjun to find him?

why did their stories overlap?

chenle and renjun's guardians were dating.

renjun's father murdered jisungs best friend and abused jisung.

jisung was exactly like mark.

renjun's brother and jisungs best friend said to find lee minhyung.

jaemin and donghyuck were partners in crime and best friends.

and jeno.

they're had to be something going on, how are almost all of them connected...yet barely know each oth-

"hyung? hyung!" jisung clapped his hands in front of the elders face.

"yeah sung?" mark mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"you've been zoning out for like 5 minutes, dinner is ready." donghyuck commented, extending his hand to help the eldest up.

"weren't we arguing about our dinner? when did dinner get-" mark started grabbing donghyuck's hand to stand up.

"just shut up and eat the teokbokki." renjun cursed, making the others giggle.

mark stuck his tongue out at the younger jokingly as he served himself a plate.

"woah, this is really good." jaemin commented giving chenle and donghyuck a thumbs up.

"wait, look at me nana." jeno said, staring intently at the boy next to him.

"you have some sauce there." he smiled taking his napping and wiping it off the boys cheek.

as the boys continued to eat, renjun and jisung were talking about makeup and clothes (jeno and jaemin occasionally jumping in, although immersed in their own conversation.) chenle was trying to teach donghyuc and mark sign language.

usually chenle felt left out, especially at dinner so he appreciated the boys being excited to learn sign language.

chenle knew that kun tried his best with him, same with his other gege's. but they didn't know how to help him.

some days chenle wishes he had never met xukun. maybe then he wouldn't flinch with every movement, constantly scanning his surroundings, listening for any noise and refusing to make his own.

other days, chenle was grateful he met xukun, if he hadn't. maybe then, he would of never met kun and all of his other wonders gege's, he wouldn't have met his best (and only current) friend, jung sungchan at ASL class.

today, he wishes he had never met xukun.

he could have multiple conversations at once, he could relax his back from its stiff posture. but he didn't.

zhong chenle, stayed stiff and tall, yet crumbled at the seams.

jeno on the other hand, wished he could shut up. or more so wished that they would shut up.

"they" were the voices, screaming at him for every bite on the teokbokki, making his wrists itch and burn calling for him.

he fought back a harsh gag as he took a small bite of teokbokki, he was listening to jaemin tell renjun how he adjusts tights. well, he was trying to.

as an attempt to distract himself, he looked at renjun who was sitting across from him, he studied the way his hair fell right above his eyes, the way his shirt just slightly fell of his shoulders. but he also observed the scar that started under renjun's collar bone and went down underneath his shirt.

jeno was never one to judge scars, in fact he thought scars were beautiful, he hated were they came from but he didn't think they made someone ugly.

renjun had noticed jeno' sets tracing over his body, looking curiously. he let the boy stare as he talked to jaemin. but he would still occasionally steal a glance at the big tracing over him.

"i wish the police let me bring clothes with me, i have a skirt that doesn't fit me anymore and you would look so good in it." jaemin whined jokingly, aggressively chewing a piece of teokbokki. it was obvious neither him nor donghyuck had eaten in a few days.

renjun made a mental note to make sure they ate extra than the others.

"it's ok, nana." he smiled fixing his shirt, glancing at jeno who had barely touched his food.

"we should get you some skirts tomorrow nana-hyung." jisung smiled, standing up to put his plate in the sink.

"maybe, sungie." jaemin shook his head at the youngest.

"he's so cute, hard to believe he was addicted to cocaine." jeno said, catching both boys attention.

"i know right." jaemin nodded, subtly glancing at jeno's plate.

"you gonna eat that?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"no. you can have it."

"jeno, you should eat a little bit more, even if it's not teokbokki." renjun said, eyes darting towards the others defined collarbones.

"yeah, jen, i'll make you something else if you don't want teokbokki." donghyuck smiled, putting his and jaemin's plates in the sink.

"it's okay, i'll eat more a little later." he brushed off, smiling brightly.

"jeno-hyung, your smile is really pretty." jisung seemingly randomly commented.

in return the maknae received confused stares.

"what!? don't look at me like that. his eyes turn into little crescents it's cute." he exclaimed.

thus causing jeno to hide in his hoodie for the remainder of the night.

a/n: i hope you like this filler chapter!!!

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