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The pounding of my head was a telltale sign of what had gone down last night and the heavy weight of someone's arm draped around me brought the familiar feeling of guilt back but I pushed it aside like I always did.

I moved the arm off me and stood up.

The room looked unfamiliar. I found my clothes scattered on the floor along with the person whose face or name I couldn't recall.After quickly dressing myself as best as I could I stepped out of the room and walked downstairs. The whole house was trashed with bottles and cans littering everywhere. There was hardly any empty space left to step into. And don't even get me started on the horrendous stench of stomach acid, sweat, alcohol, smoke and many more mixed together which did not help my already upset stomach and the headache I was nursing currently.

Somehow maneuvering past the many empty bottles and some passed out people I walked out from the main door and started towards the woods.

I'm never drinking again. I promised myself but I knew that within a few weeks time I'd be drunk and in bed with a stranger, again.

Once I was safely hidden in the thick forest, away from prying eyes, I shifted into my pitch black wolf and sprinted towards the pack house.


"Kla..." Ae gave me a disapproving look.

"Hey Ae," I said in a dismissive tone as I entered my room, Ae following me in.

"Kla. Please stop being such a-"

"Such a player?" I said cutting him off. "It's my life Ae, and I'll do whatever pleases me."

"I was gonna say reckless but that too. I know it's your life but I can't just sit back and watch my best friend destroying his own life quite foolishly."

"Well I'm fine. My life if fucking perfect. I love drinking. I love sex. And I'm happy with things as they are." I said while flopping down on my bed.

"You're leading a destructive life Kla, not even caring about hurting others on your way," He shakes his head. "In few months time you'll be taking over the pack and this behavior of yours isn't doing you any good. This is just not right. Your way of dealing with the pain and reje- Kla, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to-"

He knew better than to bring him up.

"Get out Ae."

"Kla listen I-"

"I.said.Get. Out." I pronounced each word threateningly.

I turned my face the other way to avoid looking at him.

Few heartbeats later he sighed in defeat and walked out, closing the door softly behind him.

Ae is my beta. We've been best friends since the diaper days. He was also the only living soul who knew about Techno, my mate who rejected me and ran away like a coward. I would have liked to keep this to myself but Ae was there to witness the whole thing.


I was sprinting down the hallways, which was empty given that all the students were already inside their respective classes as supposed to be. I was late again and Mr. Sun was not going to appreciate my tardiness for the third time this week.

"Kla! wait up." I heard someone call after me and turned my head to the direction of the voice to see my best friend Ae waving both his arms with a goofy wide smile on his face. I grinned back at him.

"Hey A-" I stopped mid sentence when I felt myself collide with something or rather someone. I reached forward and grabbed their shoulder to prevent them from falling.

Sparks travelled up my arms and spread a delicious chill through my whole body.

I gasped in shock and looked into a pair of equally shocked brown eyes staring back at me.


Mate. Mate. Mate. I heard my wolf chanting excitedly in my head.

Techno pushed me away and stared at me blankly before speaking the words which broke something in me.

"I, Techno Napat Na Ranong, reject Kengkla Siwat Jumlongkul,as my mate."

My wolf howled in pain at being rejected by his mate. But I didn't dare blink or move as I watched him walk away.

Only when he disappeared around the corner did I notice the blood dripping and painting the floor red from my tightly clenched fist.

Mate why?  My wolf whimpered in pain.

*****Flashback ends*****

That was two years ago.
No one knows where Techno is now. He ran off after rejecting me and that was the last I saw of him. The Napat pack searched for him for some months before giving up the hope of ever finding him. I thought they  gave up quite easily on looking for someone who was supposed to be their Alpha.

Technic,Techno's little brother is now the Alpha of the Napat pack.

Wherever you are hiding Techno, when I get my hands on you. You'd regret rejecting me.


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