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The silence in the car was suffocating.

Dad tried striking up conversation a few times but gave up after getting short and clipped answers from me and little to no word from Techno.

The latter currently occupied the backseat. He was staring outside the window and was yet to make any kind of movement, not that I kept glancing at him discreetly or anything.

I knew he didn't want to be here. The glare he shot me every time we made eye contact was proof enough.

Well, I wasn't a big fan of him either.

After I blurted out that he was my mate in front of the council they happily decided to send Techno back with me. I was an Alpha and I needed my mate by my side to become stronger and lead the pack-said the council while Techno threw daggers at me with his eyes.

I don't even know why he was pissed at me when he should be thanking me for saving his ass. Why the hell did I even save him in the first place? I hate the guy.

No you don't. My wolf deadpanned.

I hated that he was right.

All the anger and hatred I claimed to have towards him dissipated into nothing the moment I saw him and his infuriatingly beautiful face.

The feelings I had tried so hard to bury for the past few years came back full force and hit me square with such intensity it was impossible to ignore it and pretend it wasn't there when it was making itself known with every skip and beat of my heart.

I wasn't going to be one of those stupid people who kept on denying how and what they felt.

Yes, I was still mad that Techno rejected and ran away from me. And I didn't know if I could ever forgive him for what he did. I hated him for abandoning me as a mate two years ago and as a friend eight years ago.

But I also wasn't going to deny that my eyes followed him whenever he was in my line of vision. That my heart jolted in my chest when our eyes accidentally met in the hallways. That his presence gave birth to thousands of dragons in my stomach. That it didn't hurt when he suddenly cut all ties with me and ignored me like a plague. That it broke my heart when we became strangers. That I was irrevocably and utterly in love with him, and has been for a long, long, time.

The parties and booze and random hookups helped me get him out of my system for a little while, but it never lasted because my mind always found it's way back to the warmth of his eyes, the melodious sound of  his giggles, the softness of his skin and how wonderful and right it felt to hold his hands in mine; of all the good memories which would slowly get replaced by the ugly ones- the cold eyes, the blank stare, the harsh words and then silence, the hands I once held in mine slipping away from me.

I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder back to the worst day of my life, the day everything changed.


"Mom!" My ten year old self called out while running towards the kitchen where my mom was making us breakfast.

"Yes sweetheart?" She asked, her attention on the grilled meats which smelled so devine it made me forget for a moment the reason I was up so early.

"Nono hasn't been here to play with me for two days now. Do you think he's mad that I accidentally spilled my juice on his new shirt?" I questioned in a small voice.

"Oh baby," Mom wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing before crouching down to my level to meet my eyes. "No is your best friend and he's a very kind kid. I'm sure he knows you're sorry and that you didn't spoil his shirt on purpose."

"But he said it was his favorite shirt and I ruined it."

"Why don't we do this?Let's go to the mall and buy him a new shirt?" She tapped my nose.


"Yes.But only after you finish your breakfast." She stood upright and started setting the table. "After the trip to the mall I'll drop you off at the Napats so you can give No his new shirt and hang out with him."

"Thank you mom, I love you." I said wrapping my hands around her hips.

"Love you too sweetheart." She smiled and ruffled my hair.

I clutched the small paper bag to my chest and smiled at my mom who was chatting with Luna Lay, No's mom. I waved at her before running upstairs where I knew No's room was located.

I entered without knocking and saw his small figure on the bed with his gaze fixed on notebook he held, his hands moving the pencil around in angry strokes. He was so immersed in drawing that he didn't notice my presence. So I slowly crept to where his form laid and let out a loud boo in his ears which made him squeal cutely and throw the book at me.

"Ow! That hurt Nono! " I exclaimed and rubbed at my injured cheek.

"Why are you here?" He asked while glaring at me.

"Because I heard you missing me all the way from my house."

He only glared at me harder.

"Look I'm sorry for scaring you and I'm also sorry about your shirt," I extended the bag to him. "Here, I bought you a new one which I picked out myself."

"I don't want the stupid shirt and I don't want you here. Not now. Not ever." His voice was missing the usual playfulness.

"What happened Nono? Why are you being so mean to me? "

"I don't want to be  friends with you anymore. I hate you. Go away and never talk to me again."


"I said leave!" He screamed angrily, snatching the bag out of my hands and throwing it on the floor.

I stared at him in disbelief and sadness.

"Fine. I'm going." I whispered before walking away from him.

When I came downstairs I found my mom looking at me with sad eyes. I guess they heard the commotion upstairs with their werewolf hearing.

"I'm so sorry for his behavior Kla. I don't know what has gotten into that kid. He's been behaving like a brat lately. I'll go talk to him. I'm extremely sorry."Luna Lay apologized frantically.

I didn't say a word and stepped out of their house with mom following me after exchanging quick goodbyes with Luna Lay.

I tried approaching No so many times but he always dodged me and whenever I managed to get hold of him he'd be an ass or give me the silent treatment. I stopped trying after a whole year of trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

*****flashback ends******

"We're here." Dad's voice snapped me out of  my revere.

The pack house came into view and we stepped out of the car.



Here's a long chapter for y'all.

BTW I gave No a nickname if you guys noticed. You can try imagining Kla saying "Nono" in the same way as he says "P'No". Lol.
I decided against using the thai    honorifics because I'm not Thai (even tho I wish I was😭) and my knowledge about Thailand and the culture is very limited.

Thank you for reading. ❤❤❤

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