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The next few hours were filled with cuddles and soft whispers which was, much to my dismay, interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

I begrudgingly untangled myself from No and climbed down the stairs.

Opening the door I came face to face with Blue and Ae. The former was grinning widely while the latter looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"What brought your unpleasant company here? "

"We're here to see your handsome face of course! " Blue exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.

He pushed me aside and hastily made his way inside with Ae quickly following suit, like they knew I was two seconds away from closing the door on their faces.

"Now that you've seen my handsome face. Fuck off. " I grumbled and couldn't help the annoyance from slipping in my tone. Well, they did interfered the cuddle session I was thoroughly enjoying. So I had every right to be fucking irked.

"That's not the way of taking to your best friends you rude boy. " Blue fake scolded in the worst impersonation of my mom's voice.

"Say sorr-"he stopped his shitty acting when the sound of footsteps was heard.

" Hi," No greeted awkwardly as he shifted his weight from one foot to another.

Blue gaped at him like a fish out of water which earned him a smack in the head from Ae.

"Uhm.. eh. Hi No, " Blue managed to answer after getting his wits back and plopped himself down on the sofa.

"So the rumours were true, " Ae mumbled, almost inaudible, to himself but I heard him.

"Kla? A word please. "

Ae walked out of the room we were currently occupying.

"Hey baby, " I approached No who was still standing at the end of the stairs. Grabbing both his hands in mine and squeezing them I said, "talk to him."


"So you rejected his rejection and you guys are now a thing? " Ae asked looking far from happy about it.

"Look Kla, I really hope that this will all work out but I don't trust No after all the shit he's pulled. So please be a little cautious and keep an eye out on him. You're my best friend-a brother even, and I don't want to see you getting hurt again. "

"No will not hurt me Ae, " I said defensively even though I knew where he was coming from. He was only trying to look out for me but I didn't want him talking about my Nono like that. If he knew the truth he'd go all mama bear on No without any doubt. But it was not my tale to tell. No  will be the one deciding when and whom to tell and I'd be there for him no matter what.

"He had his reasons for his actions, " I told him but didn't elaborate much on it. "Just be the friend he wants and needs. Please. "

When we stepped back into the living room the sight nearly made me cry out in joy. Blue had his arms around No's shoulder and they were immersed in a hushed conversation.

No's lips were stretched into the beautiful smile which always made me want to fall on his feet and worship the ground he walked on.

Recalling his earlier words expressing worry over not getting our friends to forgive him or even talk to him and now, seeing him conversing happily with one of them, made  a splitting grin to take over my face. Ae went ahead and sat on the other side of No.

Not wanting to disturb them and in demand of my empty stomach I silently crept up to my room to retrieve my phone and ordered some pizzas.


After six boxes of pizza and chinwagging, Ae and Blue finally left with a promise to visit soon.

"Did you tell Blue? " I asked, running my fingers up and down his clothed arm.

"No, " He replied. "I want to tell Nic first, before I tell anyone else. "

"Okay, " I said and kissed the crown of his head.

He had his eyes fixed on the TV but I saw the pink hue tinting his cheeks and ears. I mentally cooed at his cuteness and continued watching and drinking in his reactions as he watched The Lion King. He gasped when Mufasa was pushed off the cliff by Scar and cried when Simba cried, he laughed at Timon and Pumba's antics and mouthed along the hakunamatata song, he cursed at the hyenas and cried some more at the end of the movie.

"The Lion King is my favourite movie, " he said when the credits started to roll in.

"I know. "

"Kla," he turned to look at me and blushed when he found me already gazing at him.

"Can you kiss me again?"

I was definitely taken aback by his request but who was I to deny him his wishes when I've been aching to taste his soft lips again and again.

He yelped in surprise and wounded his arms around my neck when I pulled him on my lap so he was straddling me. He blushed furiously at the position and shyly met my eyes.

God he's killing me with his adorableness.

I slowly dragged a finger down the length of his face- his forehead, the slope of his nose, his lips and his chin. He closed his eyes when I parted his lips with my thumb and molded them with mine. I took it slow for the first few seconds but I wanted more. So I took it. I tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss. I nipped harshly at his lower lip emitting a gasp from him. Satisfied with the outcome I took the opportunity offered and pushed my tongue past his parted lips and explored the uncharted areas. I stroked his tongue with mine and coaxed him to do the same. He tentatively met my strokes. I found myself addicted to his lips and never wanted to stop kissing them, tasting them but I had to pull away for a breath. I hugged him close to me and felt his heart beating loudly in his  chest.

Tears soaked my shoulder and I asked, panicked, "Did I do something you didn't like? I'm sorry Nono. "

"No Kla, I loved every second of it... is just that I'm really happy. " He sniffed.

"Me too. "


I'm not dead guys!
My update schedule is a huge mess. Wait. I don't have a schedule actually. The updates depends on the free time I get. I have the never ending assignments these days. I literally spend 5-6 freaking hours today, on one and I have two more *cries in thai😭😭😭

Anyways thank you guys for all the love and support. ❤🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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