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When dad and I got to the room where the meeting was to be held, everyone was already seated and seemed to be waiting on us.

There were around twelve Alphas present in the room and among the faces I recognized one I knew all too well. Technic Napat.

Technic and I were friends.He was a good Alpha unlike his brother.

I had a suspicion that he knew about Techno being my mate. I noticed his strange behaviour whenever his runaway brother was mentioned in my presence. His eyes would unconsciously dart to me as if waiting for me to explode anytime and he'd quickly stir the conversation into another direction. But he never confronted me and I was glad that he didn't. Because I didn't want anyone to know that Techno and I were mates.

Technic gave me a small nod when he noticed me and then turned his attention to the door.

My heart skipped a beat before it started to hammering loudly in my chest.

I could feel him. The connection was weak but just his presence was enough to make me unaware of everything around me except him.

I wanted to turn around but my body seemed to have forgotten how to function.

My wolf was howling both in pain and in happiness at being this close to his mate after two years. He was scratching for control while chanting Mate. Mate. Mate.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to stop my wolf from taking over and marking Techno without his consent.

Mate. Mark him. Make him ours. Don't let him go. Mark him. Mate. My wolf said while pacing agitatedly in my head.

This is neither the time not the place for that. Try to calm down or you'll hurt him. If I let you take over you'll pounce on him and forcefully Mark him without his consent which could kill him. I told the pacing wolf who retreated back at the thought of possibly hurting his mate with a sad whimper.

"As notified,we are gathered to decide on the punishment of Techno Napat Na Ranong of the Napat Pack." One of the elders announced.

I didn't dare to look at where he was even though everything in me wanted to.

"Since Techno here refused to answer as to why he disappeared, we are going to revoke his right to become the Alpha of the Napat Pack as he abandoned the pack which is the outmost form of betrayal to the pack members who were dependent on him. He has broken their trust. Being an Alpha is a great responsibility and running off with no reason shows his disrespect to the title and the pack."

The elder stopped speaking for a moment and then asked, "Do you have anything to say? Techno? "

"Yes I do. Let's just get over this meeting can we? I'm bored and I'm sure everyone has better things to do then sit here and listen to you old people."

Collective gasp rang around the room before a deafening silence ensued.

The council members were not liked very much for their decisions and interference, but no one has ever talked to them as rudely as Techno did just now. He was asking for death sentence by openly disrespecting them.

I lifted my head up and my eyes instantly found him.

He was stood with his front facing the council members. His back was to me but I could see that he was a lot skinnier than when I last saw him which made me frown slightly.
He was clad in black jeans and a green hoodie. His light brown hair was long, hiding his pale neck.

"Know where you stand Techno Napat!" One of the elders shouted in anger.

"Oh I'm sorry." He drawled out sarcastically.

"How dare you-"

"Pon. Stop."Elder Mint ordered which instantly halted Elder Pon mid sentence.

"Techno, the Napat Pack has refused to accept you back in the pack so from this moment on you are declared a rogue." Elder Mint spoke without betraying any hint of anger or annoyance in her tone.

A rogue wolf? No. He'd get killed out there alone. A lonely rogue wolf hardly survives a day before getting killed by other rogues wolves or hunters.

"He's my mate." I announced loudly before I could stop myself.


Look at Kla eating his words. He didn't want anyone to know that they're mates and then he himself declared it to everyone 🤣🤣🤣.

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