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"How's he doing? "Nic asked, dropping his bag on the table and taking a seat across me so we were facing one another.

We were at an ice cream shop run by a lovely couple, Mew and Gulf, who were in their mid twenties and had been mated since they were sixteen. They were best friends long before being mated. I both loved and envied them because they reminded me of what I could have had. With Techno.

But the moon goddess must have hated my guts to bless me with something so unconditionally beautiful yet unattainable.

The place would usually be crowded with students filling in and out but I requested Mew to keep the shop closed for a little while and being the kind soul he is, he complied to my request with no questions asked.

"Kla? Are you even going to speak or you plan to keep on staring at my face like a dumb rock?" Nic's voice broke the reverie I was lost in.

"Why do you care? "

"Oh I don't know, " he sounded annoyed. "Maybe because he's my brother." He grounded, emphasizing the last word.

"I don't think you hold the right to call him that anymore. " I looked him dead in the eyes as I spoke and didn't miss the guilt that flashed in it before the burning anger replaced it.

"You don't bloody know anything." His fist made contact with the flat surface of the wooden table violently, shaking the contents on it.

"Then tell me, " I leaned back on my chair and crossed my arms. "Why did your pack refused to take him back in? Aren't you the Alpha now? One word from you and no one would have dared to go against it."

"You seemed to have forgotten that I'm not eighteen yet and under what circumstances I was handed the title. I may be bearing the title but the beta and elders of the pack have a say in every single decision I make. I tried okay. I did. But it was me against the whole pack. No was always closed off and cold and an ass to everyone in the pack so no one was willing to side with him." He said, running his fingers through his hair in utter defeat.

"I wish they were still here. They could have done something but they can't because they're gone." His voice broke a little and I felt saddened for the boy who had to grow up too soon.

I knew who he was talking about and I didn't want to prod further on the sensitive subject. So I stayed silent and let him collect himself before asking what I was initially here to know.

"How did you find him? "

He sighed and opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him before he could say a word.

"I want honesty. Not lies. I know something has happened to him. He could have brother sworn you to secrecy but I want the truth. Tell me every single thing you know."

"Will you accept him as your mate? "

"I-I.. " I staggered back a bit.

Will I? After everything he did will I be able to accept him?

"Yes I will. " I said firmly.

Maybe I was making a grave mistake. Maybe I would end up getting hurt again. But if there was even a diminutive chance of having a future with No, I was willing to take it. The ramifications be damned.

"A member from my pack got taken by some rouges. " He began excruciatingly. "So we send out some trackers on their tail but the bastards managed to slip away. We continued the search for weeks and was going to call it off until the trackers reported back about some rouges hiding out in the woods." I could hear the underlining anger in his voice and it bothered me.

"It was a rather old abandoned house. The place looked like no soul has lived in it for ages but once you stepped inside, it told a different story.We searched the whole house but they had already escaped when we got there. " He took a pause before looking right at me.

"We would have left have we not heard the rattling of chains."

I didn't like where this was going.

"We followed the noise and found a secret door leading to a well hidden basement. It was locked and took us some time to break in. "

Nic took a shaky breath and my heart dropped in my stomach.

"I-I was the first one to step inside the room and I saw a figure curled on the floor in the dark corner. "

My chest tightened painfully.

"Oh god, do you know how bad his condition was? He was gagged and his hands were tied behind his back and-and his legs were chained together so tight it was bleeding. He was half naked and unconscious. I could hardly feel a pulse. And I-I thought he was-he was dead kla. I thought he was gone too. " Nic's voice quivered.

I sat there frozen in my seat.

"We took him back to the pack house and treated his wounds. We found large amount of wolfsbane in his blood and managed to drain it out in time. He was unconscious for a whole week and when he finally did woke up, he didn't let anyone near him. He refused to eat or drink for days leaving me no choice but to force feed him. I begged and even threatened him to speak to me but he kept silent. " Nic placed his trembling hands on his lap and looked down at it fixedly.

"I don't know how the council found out. Someone from the pack must have slipped them the information. That's all I know."

We remained quiescent, lost in our own thoughts.

I was enraged and so was my wolf. We were hungry for blood, the blood of those who hurt what's ours. We wanted to go on a rampage and destroy all the rogues. But something or rather someone was stopping us from going completely insane.


I wanted to see him and make sure that he was safe.

With that I abruptly stood up.

"Nic I-I need to. See him. Go see him. Need to now. " My words were all jumbled and I probably wasn't even making proper sense.

"Kla,please take care of my brother. He's been through a lot of shit and he's the only family I'm left with. I don't want to lose him too. " He pleaded softly.

"I will. " I vowed not only to him but also to myself.


Well, the mystery will slowly begin to unfold now😁.

I have prectical exams next week HELP😭😭😭😭

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