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So many things has happened in just a span of one week.

All the time that I called him a coward and hated him for running away, he was being beaten and tortured by some rogues and what did I do? I continued living my life without him. I didn't try to find him once. Just to prove to myself that I had no feelings for him I didn't let his disappearance bother me. I didn't allow myself to worry over him.

The fact that he wished for death and tried to kill himself, that he could have been death had he succeeded made me want to keep him locked in my arms forever. He may be fine physically but, mentally and emotionally I couldn't tell. They broke him. First, his so called parents and then the rogues who I was yet to get my hands on.

He said I didn't deserve someone like him. He was right. I didn't deserve someone so strong and precious and beautiful like him. I was unworthy of him but I'll be damned if I let him go. I'll show him just how amazing and lovely he is, every second, every minute, every hour and every single day until I breathed my last breath.

I couldn't change the past no matter how bad I wished I could, but I'd make sure that no one would fucking dare to touch a single hair of his body.

My mind was turmoiled with the storm of affliction. I was on the verge of drowning and the only thing keeping me upward and floating was the steady sound of his heartbeat.

I focused on the sound and let it anchor me back to the surface. The sound was a reminder of what I could have lost; of what I still had and what I had to protect and fight for.

I let the sound of his heartbeat lull me back to sleep.


"Let's give us a chance." I whispered when I felt him stir awake. I have been up for half an hour now.

"Please. Nono, " I added when I felt him go stiff.

"Kla.. "

He started but I interrupted his speech by flipping our position so he was laying underneath me once again.

"I love you. " I mouthed the words while looking and searching his eyes, not wanting to miss the waves of emotions that might pass, no matter how small or insignificant.

He gasped and blinked up at me before shaking his head in denial.

"No you don't. You can't. " I could hear both the fear and hope laced in his voice.

"I love you. " I declared for the second time. This time louder and clearer.

"I've always loved you Nono, " I continued. "Ever since the first time I saw you. People would say I was too young at the time to understand that kind of emotion but the warm feeling that settled itself in my stomach and never went away would prove otherwise. When we first met, I had this sudden urge to protect you and when you smiled at me I thought you were an angel. I thought your smile was the most precious thing and when you were sad and frowning because your first pet fish wouldn't talk to you, I made a promise to myself to never let a frown replace your smile. "

"Dory did talk to me before Mrs. Phun's evil cat decided she was a tasty meal, " No mumbled, his vision fixed on the collar of my shirt.

"And you still believe that fishes can talk? " I asked, trying not to give away the tiny bit of amusement in my voice.

"I do because I clearly heard her talk-" he stopped when realization at last dawned on him.

"That was you wasn't it? "

I chuckled at the memory and the accusation in his tone.

"I didn't want you sad so I hid in your room and fish talked you. I felt bad at first and wanted to reveal myself but then your eyes lit up in excitement and the smile I love so much returned and I didn't have the heart to snatch that happiness away from you," I confessed.

"When I found we were mates I hoped that we'd be able to sort things out and be together but then you rejected our bond and I was so angry at you, " I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead to his, earning a soft sigh from him.

"First, I lost you as a friend and then as a mate and I thought you were cruel for inflicting so much pain on me without even knowing. I hated you for holding that kind of power over me. Little did I know that you were having it much worse than I was." I said with contrition.

"I love you too."

My eyes snapped open at that and I found myself gazing into the most beautiful shade of brown. I was breathless. And I didn't want to look away. Ever.

"But I'm scared Kla. Scared that I'm still stuck in that dark room and this will all come crushing down on me hard once I open my eyes. Because this definitely feels like those dreams I've had so many times which would leave me a mess after reality brutally sinks in. If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up Kla. Please don't make me. Please. "

"You don't have to be scared anymore baby," With that I closed the little distance between our mouth and took his pink lips into a soft and painfully slow kiss. It took everything in me to not explore the crevices of his mouth with my tongue. My wolf howled happily in my head at being this close and intimate with his mate. I smiled when I felt No responding and following my lead. I could detect the inexperience in his action and that emitted a possessive growl from the back of my throat. I detached my lips from his and pressed our foreheads together again.

I looked at his face and it knocked the breath right out of my lungs.

His cheeks were coloured a lovely pink and his eyes, a reflection of pureness peered up at me bashfully which I found absolutely fucking adorable. But what caused my heart to explode in my chest was the smile that adorned his beautiful face.

He looked ethereal.

And he was all mine.



Double update because I had some free time to write more.

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