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The whispers increased as we approached the pack house.

Is that Techno Napat?

Didn't he run away? Why is he here?

Such a coward.

What's he doing here?

Techno walked with his head held high but the slight waver in his stance didn't go unnoticed by me.

I growled through the pack mind link warning them to fucking shut up. Which worked as the stares and whispers stopped.

Dad walked off to his office to collect some paperwork he needed to look at and Techno silently followed him.I knew he wanted to get away from me.

Well, too bad because we'll be living under the same fucking roof. Dad mind linked me earlier during our journey back and informed me of the arrangement. I was definitely not on board with it and would have refused but the finality in his tone told me that there was no room for argument. I grumpily said an okay.

He didn't think it was safe to leave Techno in the pack house. He wasn't liked very much currently and so we're gonna make him stay with us. We have our own house not far from here.

I knew dad still had a soft corner for Techno despite everything that happened in the past. He loved him like his own. My mom adored him and so did every single women in the pack.

I remember jealousy rearing its ugly head whenever the pack women cooed at his cuteness and showered him with kisses all over his face while he'd blush a pretty pink and giggle adorably. I was never jealous of the attention he received but I didn't want anyone else touching him so affectionately because he was mine and only mine to touch and love.

I guess I knew from the first moment I laid my eyes on him, as his three year old self peeked from behind his mom, that he belonged to me. His large innocent eyes entranced me into oblivion and his shy smile, even though he was missing two of his front teeth,melted my heart.

It took me plentiful efforts and patience to break through his shy exterior but once I did, we were inseparable. He was painfully shy and had difficulty talking to new people which is why I kept our friends circle to Ae, Pond, Blue, Techno and I.

And it hurt when we grew apart.

I rushed to my room to collect some of my school related stuffs and quickly put it in a carry bag. There wasn't much to pack as I only stayed here when I had a wild night and needed space from my parents, especially my mom who would no doubt reprimand me for sleeping with someone who wasn't my mate. My mom is a sweet gentle soul but she can give the devil a run for his money when angered.

When I was done I left the pack house to wait for my dad and Techno in the car only to find them already settled inside.

Mom opened the door before we even got the chance to knock. She pushed dad and I aside only to grab Techno and pulled him in a tight hug.

Wow. I'm so loved.

Dad smiled softly and I stared utterly gobsmacked as Techno returned the hug albeit hesitantly.

She pulled away from the hug with a tearful wide smile , "welcome back home sweetheart."

I agreed to Techno staying in my house. Not in my room.

"Why can't he stay in one of the many guest rooms we have?" I grumbled as I   aggressively sliced the tomatoes.

I was forced against my will to help my mom in the kitchen.Dad was in his office doing some paperwork and Techno was upstairs. In my room. Taking a shower.

"Because he's your mate, " Mom reached for the knife in my hand trying to save the tomatoes from the assault they probably didn't deserve. "Careful Kla, you're going to cut yourself."

"Yeah a mate who rejected me and then disappeared for two fucking years." I said dryly without thinking.

"He rejected you?! " Mom asked perplexed, ignoring the curse word. "Kengkla Siwat Jumlongkul. When did that happened and why didn't you think of mentioning it to your dad or me? " She asked with the knife pointed at my face.

I took a few steps back to avoid meeting the same fate as those tomatoes. "Two years ago, two months after my sixteenth birthday. "

Mom dropped the knife on the counter and sighed. "Kla, you did not accept the rejection did you? "She asked softly almost as if she was afraid of my answer. I shook my head sideways and watched as relief washed over her troubled features. " I want you to give him a second chance."

"And why the heck would I do that? " I asked incredulously.

"I don't want you to regret anything in the future. You don't know a lot of things... but that's not my story to tell. You'll find out eventually. Just be a little patient with him."She adviced.

" Now go and call your dad and Techno down for dinner."She ushered me out of the kitchen.

What does she know that she's not telling me? What are they hiding? I hate being kept in the dark.

I slouched my shoulders and dragged myself upstairs. After calling my dad I strode to the direction of my room.

I stood staring at the door for a minute or two contemplating whether to knock or not. Fuck it. It's my room.

I finally let myself inside only to be greeted by Techno's naked back.

Holy shit.

He wasn't fully naked. He was just missing a shirt and his pale flawless back was exposed for my eyes to hungrily take in. However, his back stiffened when he became aware of my presence and he hurriedly put on the green shirt which I realized was mine as well as the black joggers he was wearing.

He looks cute in our clothes. I heard my Wolf's voice filled with admiration and a bit of possessiveness.

No he does not.

"Dinner's ready." I stated loudly and turned to leave.


Hello my sunflowers. It's been a while huh.
Sorry for the long break without notice.
Life got busy and I had so many things to do. 🥺😭

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