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I could hear him pacing outside my room, stopping once in a while to take in deep breaths.

I would have found it amusing had it not been going on for the past half an hour.

He eventually stopped his pacing and sighed heavily.

"Do you ever plan on knocking or are you trying to steal all the oxygen from my room with your sighs?. "I asked, placing the book I was reading on the bedside table and stretching my stiff limbs after sitting in one position for long.

I pulled the door wide open to let him in and walked back to my bed.

Sitting with my legs crossed I watched as he reluctantly stepped inside and asked without looking at me. " Can I have a pillow? "


"So I can sleep on the floor-"

"You're not sleeping on the floor. " I stated which had his head snapping in my direction. His gaze lingered on my face for few seconds, searching, before going back to looking at anywhere but me.

"My mom has developed this infuriating habit of checking up on me during odd hours. I don't want her breathing fire at me because I let you sleep on the floor so drag your ass in here. " It was a lie but not a complete lie. Mom does check up on me but only in the early hours to wake me up when I have training in the morning. I might not be happy with him right now but I couldn't let him sleep on the cold hard floor.

"Oh." He sounded somewhat disappointed.


Twenty minutes has passed and I was still wide awake and so was Techno. He kept on shifting around the bed which was honestly irritating the fuck out of me.

"Kla" He whispered into the darkness.

I remained quiet.

"Kla.. " He tried again.

"The fuck do you need?" I grumbled angrily.

He didn't say anything for a long moment so I thought he might have fallen asleep until I heard him speak again.

"Can you switch on the lights.."

I didn't and I wasn't going to because I can't sleep well with the lights on.



My resolve crumbled. Maybe because I wasn't a complete asshole or maybe it was the fear in his voice  he failed to mask completely.

I groaned and felt around the darkness for the switch and turned on the fairy lights that mom had hung up last Christmas without my consent.

The room illuminated with a yellowish glow which chased the darkness away.

"Thank you."


I woke up with Techno fully sprawled on top of me. His head was nestled in the crook of my neck and every soft exhale of his breath tickled my skin. His legs were tangled with mine and both of his hands were placed on my chest while I had my own arms wounded around his small waist, holding him impossibly closer to me.

I was pretty certain that we slept with enough space for an aeroplane to land between us. However I was not exactly surprised that we ended up this way because Techno has always been a clingy sleeper.

When we were younger and slept over at each other's place, he'd cling to me like a baby koala bear in his sleep which made me want to protect him from everything that was evil.

Another thing, he's a heavy sleeper. I once had a depressed lonely neighbour who would blast rock music at wee hours in the morning, almost making my ears beeld while Techno would sleep peacefully through it. It baffled me and I even accused him of stuffing cotton balls in his ears, which was not much of a help because of our werewolf hearing.

I slowly flipped our position, quickly balancing and supporting my weight on my elbows, careful not to crush his small form sleeping underneath me and looked at him.Really looked at him. And my heart ached.

He looked tired . The prominent dark circles under his eyes spoke of his exhaustion and his mouth was turned downward in a frown. His pale skin was missing it's usual glow but it still felt soft under my touch as I ghosted my thumb on his cheeks.

"What happened to you No? Why did you become someone I never imagined you'd become? What happened to the sweet No I fell in love with?" I rasped, barely above a whisper, afraid I'd wake him up if I spoke too loudly.

"And why can't I hate you? I want to hate you for leaving me but I can't. I just can't and it's frustrating..." My voice faded and I couldn't help but lightly kiss the spot on his neck where my mark should be. He unconsciously moaned softly which made all my blood rush down south and I jumped off him.

I hurriedly stomped my way to the bathroom, not looking back to see if he was awake or not. Closing the door behind me I thought of all the disgusting things that I could come up with to will my erection down. I refuse to jerk off with the possibility of Techno hearing me or worse walking in on me wanking.

After much difficulty of trying to calm down I stepped back into the room and breathed in relief to find Techno sleeping in the same position I left him in.

*written with my eyes half closed.
I'm off to bed now.

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