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When I rushed back home I wasn't expecting to be greeted by an empty house with no Techno in sight.

Where are you No?

"Shit." I cursed and stripped out of my clothes to shift into my wolf.

His scent was lingering in the air but it was barely there so he must have been gone for long. I followed the faint lemon grass scent and it led me to the woods behind the house.

You better not have run away again No. I will not allow you to leave like you did two years ago.

After sprinting for nearly an hour the scent became stronger and knowing that he was close, I pushed my paws to run faster.

Shifting back and quickly donning on the clothes I had grabbed before taking off, I approached the figure sat on the edge of the pond seemingly lost in deep thoughts.

I pulled him in a standing position by his arms and tilted his head to the side. He let out a startled gasp when I buried my head in his neck and sniffed him. He tried to push me away but I didn't let him and greedily breathed in his scent.

My canines were out and etching to sink deep in his soft pale neck. The urge to mark him and bind him to me was so strong it was clouding all my senses and I would have gone through with it had he not whimpered in fear.

No. I won't mark him. At least not now.

I licked my way up to his ear and whispered lowly, "you have no idea what I want to do to you. " I lightly bit his earlobe which made  him shiver in pleasure. Smirking in satisfaction I fisted his hair in my left hand to hold him in one place and wounded the other around his waist so every part of our body was plastered together.

I went back to his neck and kissed and nipped at the skin. I couldn't mark him right now like I wanted to without his full consent but it didn't mean I couldn't leave my marks on him. No went pliant in my arms and my heart fluttered happily at his reaction.

Pulling back I examined the two red bruises I just made. It's temporary but this will have to do for now.

He was displaying a dazed and disoriented look on his face which made me want him more, in every way possible. But it didn't take long for him to snap out of his dazed state and glare at me accusingly while taking hurried steps back.

"What-what was that for? " He touched the bruises with his fingers and flinched. "You barbarian! "

"That was your punishment for running away from me. Again. " I walked forward to recover the distance he created between us.

"I didn't run away you stupid shit. I-I was bored and tired of being cooped up in your house for days. I needed some fresh air so I decided to go for a walk and just lost track of time. " He tried to walk back again but I stopped his movement by pulling at the front of his black jumper. I've noticed him wearing my clothes even though my mom has bought him a whole new wardrobe. It made me undeniably ecstatic and possessive.

His gaze kept of shifting around the surrounding, clearly trying to avoid meeting mine.

"Well, with your history, you can't exactly blame me for being paranoid now can you?" I growled.

That shut him up instantly.

"Why did you run away No?" I asked.

"I told you I went for a wal-"

"Why did you run away No? " I repeated the question.

"I want to go home. " He mumbled ignoring my question and tried to side step me.

"No.No more running." I placed my hands on his shoulders. "You fucking need to stop running from things." I bellowed and shook him.

I was so enraged. He was pissing me off. His silence was pissing me off. I wanted to help him but how was I supposed to do that when he refused to speak to me or anyone else.

"Why are you hiding No? Why don't you let     me in? When did you become so self-centered that you stopped caring. You are being so fucking cruel to the people who loves you. Do you even know what you're putting us through. Have you ever thought about Nic. Or have you forgotten that he's your brother?. " I sneered.

He stubbornly stared at the ground. I grabbed his jaw and forced him to look at me. "Fucking say something Techno. Your silence is proving just how much of a coward you are. You were never a good friend. You were never a good Alpha. You were never a good mate. You were never a good brother. And you sure were never a good son. Did you even visited your parents grave? The people who loved and raised you. Do you know that they're dead now? "

"Shut up! " He finally exploded and pushed me backward with so much force I nearly landed on my ass.

"Just-just shut up." He cupped his palms around his mouth and looked at me with so much pain in his eyes I felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the chest.

I wanted to reach out and take him in my arms and kiss his tears away. I wanted to tell him that I loved him dearly and he was everything I could ever ask for in a mate but I held my ground. I knew that I had to break him first to get through the walls he's built around himself.

"Why? Won't you like to know how your parents-"

"They were not my parents. " He sobbed loudly. "You hear me? Those people were not my parents and they never loved me. If they did they wouldn't have done what they did to me."




Another chapter 😁.

BTW I'm so excited for Gun's new project. I'm a tad bit sad it's not with Mark tho.

(Not edited so watch out for errors)

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