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I placed my forefinger on his lips to hush him. "We'll talk,but let's get back home before the sun begins to set yeah? "

It was getting pretty late and moreover I could see how emotionally and physically drained No was. Not that I was doing much better, the conversation with Nic, hearing the ugly truth about the two people who were like my second parents, the hurt and mistreatment they put my mate through. I didn't know what to feel.

I had an inkling that whatever No was going to say would be odious to hear. And I had to be prepared for the worst. But for that I needed time, time to calm the negative emotions threatening to be unleashed. I did not want to risk hurting or scaring No in any way in my rage fit.

"I'm going to shift. Will you be okay with riding on my back? " I asked as I stood on my feet and pulled No up as well.

He stumbled a little before steadying himself and gave me a silent nod of agreement.

I started to strip and realizing my intent No's eyes expanded to their maximum aperture and blushing furiously he turned his back to me.

So fucking adorable.

It only took me some twenty minutes or so to navigate my way back home now that I knew where to go exactly.

I carried a drowsy No bridal style and met my parents worried eyes. Mom opened her mouth ready to start shooting millions of questions my way but I shook my head in a 'not now. Later' manner which she thankfully grasped immediately and stopped her impending query.

I climbed the stairs with No snuggled in my arms and settled him in the bed once I reached my room.

"Kla, " he seemed to have noticed the lack of contact with me and called out my name in panic, eyes still shut tight.

"Shhh.. Nono. I'm here. I'm right here. Get some sleep okay." I combed my fingers through his soft locks and he sighed in contentment.

After making sure he was sound asleep I pecked his forehead and went downstairs.

"Were you two aware of the appalling things those people were doing to him?" I asked my parents whose expression spoke guilty.

"Why didn't you tell me?! " I whispered shouted not wanting to wake No up.

"It was already too late when we found out,"dad started. "We had our suspicion because of how weak No was in comparison to other pups. We were worried and we approached Lay and Krit on the matter many times but they  always managed to find their way out of answering the question and we couldn't just point fingers at them without any evidence and Kla, you have to remember that they were close friends. We couldn't treat them like some criminals and force the truth out . Our hands were tied son."

"You should have tried harder, " I croaked out, voice thick with emotion. "He can't shift. Those vile people are gone but they snatched away something so precious and irreplaceable from him. "

"Kla, we're sorry. To you and especially to No," mom said remorsefully.

"I'm going to check on him. Don't bother us with dinner tonight. " I informed them monotonously and walked away, unheeding my mom's soft cries and dad's consoling whispers.

I dragged a chair right beside my bed and accomodated myself in it. With my elbow propped on my thighs and my chin rested on my palm I stared at the sleeping beauty, occasionally altering between stroking his smooth cheeks with the back of my hand and running my fingers through his unbelievably soft hair.

I did that for moon goddess knows how long until exhaustion atlast creeped in, making my lids heavy and disabling me to keep them cracked open anymore.

I sluggishly took my shirt off before tossing it somewhere on the floor and climbed inside the covers beside No. I pressed my chest up against his back and spooned him. My hand slid over his waist.

"I promise to protect you with everything I am. Sleep well Nono." I whispered sleepily and finally let myself fall into a deep slumber.


"Kla I need to pee, " a sweet angelic voice broke through my hazy state of sleep and compelled me to open my eyes so I could look at the owner.

"Kla, if you don't let go of me this instant I'm going to pee on this very bed, " I chuckled at the urgency and warning in his tone but let go anyway.

I closed my eyes and waited for No to crawl back inside the covers. He softly  padded his way towards me but halted his steps when his stomach growled like a dying wild bear.

I couldn't hold in the emotion anymore and burst out into loud hysterical laughter. No crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry." I wiped the imaginary tears from my eyes and left the warmth of the bed.

Once I was freshened up and not half naked, as No had earlier pointed out with red cheeks, I made my way to the kitchen to fix us some breakfast. My mom and dad already left the house to give us the much needed space and privacy.

The dark clouds looming above our heads was far from forgotten but I wanted to ignore it for now and bask in the little sunshine that peeked from behind those clouds.

No entered the kitchen, freshly showered and smelling like heaven, when I was almost done with the omelet I decided to make since my culinary skills was sadly, below average. But I make great tea I swear.

We silently had our breakfast with few peeking here and there. I had so many questions to ask and things to tell but I didn't know how and where to begin so I did what I've been dying to do for a long time.

I strode towards him, tilted his head up with my fingers on his chin so he was looking directly at me and said, "I , Kengkla Siwat Jumlongkul, reject the rejection of Techno Napat Na Ranong. "


Who wants them to kiss already?!

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