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"" I heard the teacher's voice float above me. I moved my gaze from the screen and to the face of Mr. Ban, who was sporting an annoyed glare which was no doubt directed at me.

I rolled my eyes and placed my phone in his outstretched palms.

"Thank you. This will be returned to you after the detention." He continued glaring at me like I had pissed on his favorite plant. "Now please turn your attention back to the class."

Great. Another detention.

I rolled my eyes again not so subtly but he either didn't really notice it or deliberately ignored it. I'm guessing it's the latter since he's already used to my behavior by now.

"Another detention eh?" Blue asked as he scooped yet another spoon of fried rice from Ae's plate and put it in his mouth, chewing at it comically to annoy him.

I shrugged in reply and patted my pants for my phone only to realize that it was confiscated this morning. Fan-fucking-tastic.

"Blue!Stop eating my food you glutton!"Ae growled before swatting Blue's hand away like a fly. "Go get your own or eat Kla's. Looks like he's not eating it anyways. " He muttered the last part under his breath.

Ae and I weren't exactly on speaking terms. I was still pissed at him and he knew why. In fact the whole school could probably feel the thick air of tension between the two of us but no one dared to comment on it and I liked it that way. I hate people poking their nose where it didn't belong.

I pushed my untouched lunch towards Blue who happily started to gobble it down.

I wasn't hungry. I was anxious. I woke up with the feeling that something was going to happen today. I wasn't certain if it was a good thing or a bad thing but I couldn't help the nerves that was building up in my stomach.

I scanned the cafeteria that was buzzing with the loud chattering of the students and found one too many eyes directed at our table.

I was seated with some of my close pack members. Ae, Blue, Melly, Pam, Sol and Pick.

We didn't play any sports and neither were we club presidents of school clubs or had exceptionally good grades but we were still the most popular group because of our good looks. Not to sound like a narcissist asshole but I knew we made a bunch of attractive people, all thanks to the werewolf genes.

Almost half the student population were humans who had no idea that the mythical creatures they read about on internet and old books were real and living amongst them. The principal of the school was a werewolf himself but apart from him all the teaching faculty members were humans.

It was a written rule of the school to not appoint any werewolf as a teacher because the higher ranked wolves like the Alphas, Betas, Gammas and warriors could take advantage of their position and even if they didn't it would be impossible for the lower ranks to not show their respect and submission to them. Having human teachers and students helped in keeping some newly shifted rebellious wolves under control. It was in their nature to protect their identity so they wouldn't risk shifting or using their werewolf strength in front of the humans and expose their secret. They could also be banished from the pack and become a rogue wolf.

Kla, I want you home. Now. I heard my dad's voice through the link and left the school ground after telling my friends that I was needed back home for Alpha duty matters.

The half an hour drive back to the pack house felt like hours to me and the anxious feeling I've been ignoring since morning, doubled and kept increasing with every passing minute.

After parking my car I strode towards the pack house. Both of my palms were sweating. My heartbeat echoed in my ears.

The fuck is wrong with me today?

Pushing open the door of my dad's office I saw him seated on his chair with a phone pressed to his right ear. He gestured with his hands for me to take a seat and I did so without uttering a single word. I was nervous, about what I didn't know but I was so bloody nervous.

"Yes we'll b-" Whoever was on the other line of the call cut off my dad mid sentence and I could tell by the look on his face that he was not pleased at all.

"Like I tried to say earlier before I was rudely interrupted, we'll be there in two hours." Dad voiced out after few seconds of silence and hung up.

"We're going to pay a visit to the council," He told me as I opened my mouth to ask what that was all about.

What? Why?

"and we need to leave now." He continued after getting no verbal response from me.

I hate the council members. They were just old people who should have died a long time back but nope they are still here and making everyone miserable with their presence. What do they want now?

I guess dad could read the questions in my eyes because he stared at me and asked, "Kla. I need you to stay calm and listen okay, pup?" I stared back at him and gave a small nod.

"Okay. So they found Techno."



Thank you guys for the votes I love y'all 😭

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