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For the past few weeks I've been avoiding Techno as much as I could. Not like he's very eager to be in my company either. We still share the same bed and every morning I wake up to him draped all over me. I don't know if Techno is even aware of the position we end up in because I'm always the first to wake up for training and school.

The reason why I'm hell bent on keeping my distance from Techno is my wolf. The beast has made it his mission to nag me all day long. I miss my beautiful mate. Go to mate. Mark him. Mate him.Mate smells so good. I'm sick of his constant whining. Also I'm kind of sexually frustrated and I can't even kiss anyone because my wolf won't let me. He's never been happy about my past hookups and he's even tried taking control during the activity although I've always managed to overpower him. But since Techno came back my wolf has become fiercer.

Yesterday, a human girl accidentally tripped and I happened to be passing by so I caught her,but my wolf, being the wild animal that he is, growled so loudly I instantly pulled away from the girl who might have face planted the floor and quickly vacated the hallway.

I can't be near Techno without wanting to grab him and kiss him long and hard.

It was two in the morning and I was still lounging on the couch, watching Animal Planet. My eyes were drooping and I felt way too exhausted to even move a muscle. I considered sleeping on the couch but then immediately dismissed the thought as a distant memory of mom throwing me out along with the couch flashed before my eyes. Has happened once, don't want a repeat.

Switching off the TV, I willed my body to produce enough energy to drag myself upstairs. The stairs appeared longer and wider than they usually were and I was halfway through when I heard something. I stopped my movements and listened more attentively. Nothing.

It must have been the wind. I thought to myself but I heard it again.

A scared whimper.

I recognised the voice.


I hurriedly dashed upstairs and rushed inside my room.

I halted infront of my bed and looked down at the whimpering boy.He had tears streaming down his cheeks and his hair was a mess sticking to his sweaty forehead. His hands were clutching the sheets in a vice grip.

His lips parted in broken pleads. "Please don't. It hurts. Hurts."

"Nono," I kneeled on the floor and tried shaking him awake. Worry and panic filling me.

"Please don't hurt me. Just kill me.. Please. " He sniffed.

"Nono, please wake up baby, " I climbed beside him in the bed and pulled him into my arms.

He squirmed and tried to push me away but I only tightened my hold. After a bit of struggling he stopped and fisted my shirt with both hands and started sobbing quietly, like he was afraid to cry out loud.

"Kla, help me please. I need you. " His tears soaked the light green material of my shirt
making it appear darker.

"I'm here Nono, baby. I'm right here and I'm never letting you go again. Never. "I whispered soothingly in his ears and held him tighter.

His sobs quietened down and he fell asleep clutched in my arms but I didn't dare close my eyes, afraid I'd blink and he'd disappear. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him again.

Something terrible had happened to him and I wasn't there to protect him. My chest clenched painfully at the thought of someone hurting him.

I felt him moving, then realizing the position we were in, he froze. I knew he was awake and could hear his heart thumping loudly. He tried to pry my hands off his waist but failed miserably. I smiled.

"Oh god. He's going to hate me more than he already does if he wakes up to me practically sprawled on him." He mumbled to himself in distress and the smile dropped from my face.

I don't hate you Nono.

I didn't say it out loud.

I kept my eyes remaining shut and loosened my hold a little, giving Techno the leverage to slide out of my arms without much difficulty.

He quietly crept out of bed and the soft clicking of the door was heard.

I opened my eyes and stared at the closed door. I wanted to know what last night was all about but I didn't think Techno was ready to tell me yet. Mom asked me to be patient with him. Does she already know? Does dad?

Questions were swarming my head and I needed a fucking large mug of coffee to get through the day.


The hallway was crowded with students, some walking to their first class while most were huddled together in groups either gossiping or stressing about what to wear on the upcoming party.

Finding the face I was looking for in the crowd, I approached him.



"We need to talk, " We said at once.

"After class." He asked.

"Okay. After class. "

I had free time so here's another chapter.
Thank you to everyone for the votes ⭐ and comments.

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