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*slight mention of suicidal thoughts and violence
So if you're triggered or uncomfortable with the topic please skip.



No blinked once, twice in confusion and when the words finally registered his mind.His brown eyes widened and an emotion I couldn't decipher crossed over his features.

He stood up hastily making the chair screech loudly and then hit the ground with a loud thud.

"But-but I don't. I-I.. " he shook his head frantically.

He looked about on the verge of having a panic attack. I moved from my frozen position and tried to approach him slowly.

"Nono, "

Before I knew it he was flying out of the kitchen and darting towards the backdoor that led outside. But I was quick enough to grab him before he could touch the door knob and spun him around. I hoisted him up on my shoulders despite the colourful words of protest leaving his mouth. I carried him like that to my room and dropped him unceremoniously on the bed.

Locking the door and standing in front of it I dared him with my eyes to try and escape.

He sat up and blinked several times as if trying to will back the tears where they belonged. He then turned away from me and further ignored me.

No. Not today. I was done with being patient with him. I needed some answers and I will fucking get them even if I had to force it out of him.

I marched towards him with determination and pushed him flat on his back and bracketed his hips. He squirmed under me and tried to shove me away with his palms pressed on my chest but his attempts proved futile as I seized both of his hands by the wrists and pinned them above his head.

He gazed up at me with big watery eyes and flushed cheeks and I couldn't help but think just how fucking beautiful and ravishing he looked like this. I've always been drawn to him since I first laid my eyes on him but now, with every  second that ticked away I could feel the pull and attraction towards him intensifying. With me rejecting his rejection our weak bond was mending itself slowly, but surely.

I leaned down so that our noses were almost touching and our breath melded as one. If I tilted my head and leaned a little closer our lips would.....

No. Now's not the time to be thinking about such things. I chided myself and leaned back to put enough space between us, so I wouldn't succumb to the temptation and press my lips to his, but still near enough to look him in the eyes.

"Do you not want me as a mate, No?" I asked gravely.

He turned his head sideways so he wasn't looking at me and whispered.


"Look at me Nono, " I demanded, not liking him avoiding my gaze.

He sighed and surprised me by looking back at me tentatively.

Squeezing his eyes shut he said in a small voice, "I don't deserve you Kla. You-you can do so much better than someone like me, "

Someone like him? What the fuck?

"And who the fuck gave you the right to decide that for me? " Now I was full on seething. "I can very well make decisions for myself and I. Want. You. Only you. " I made sure to pause with each word.

His lids flew open at the declaration and big fat tears flowed down his cheeks. I released his hands but didn't get off him. Kissing his tears away I pleaded earnestly, all the previous anger pushed aside. "Talk to me baby. Don't hide from me. Please. "

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