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The words hung in the air as the dam broke and tears escaped his eyes, continuing their journey down, soaking his cheeks wet. His feet wobbled a little like they were about to give out and I reached forward before he hit the hard ground.

No didn't push me away this time. He pulled me closer as he let himself be vulnerable and cried on my shoulders.

I didn't say a word and just let him cry his heart out. I stayed calm for his sake but on the inside I was breaking with every sob that racked through his body and with every tear that left his eyes.

If I was asked what heartbreak was I'd say it was watching the person you love break down in front of you and not being able to do anything about it.

I don't know for how long we stayed like that. Folded in each other's embrace. The position wasn't comfortable in a bit but I ignored the pain in my knees and focused on the broken boy in my arms.

"I didn't run away, " he whispered shakily, voice still raspy from all the crying. "That day, after I-I rejected you and left school. I didn't run away. I was mad. So so mad. At the world, at the people living in it. At the moon goddess, fate and everything. " He paused and pulled back to look at me.

His puffy red eyes roamed my face for a split second as if gauging my reaction and my god was he beautiful even when looking like an absolute wreck. I schooled my expression and made sure I didn't give away the anger burning like hot lava in my stomach.

He threaded his fingers together and looked down at it before continuing.

"Remember the day you spilled the juice on my new shirt? "

Of course I do remember.

"I had to go back home early that day. Your mom took me back but she got called for some emergency so she left in a hurry."

He untangled his fingers and watched as they trembled. I enclosed them in mine and gave it a little squeeze to let him know that I was here for him. Always.

"I was alone doing homework in my room when I heard hushed voices coming from the living room. I could tell that they were arguing about something so I stayed quietly in my room. I don't think they were aware of my presence. I ignored it until it became impossible to, as their voices grew louder and louder.

The argument got my attention when I heard my name being mentioned several times and I figured I was the reason for the argument. It didn't come as a surprise to me because I started noticing the differences in the way they treated Nic and I.They always praised and doted on Nic while they rarely paid me any attention. They always made me stay at home or send me over at yours but Nic went wherever they went.At first I thought it was because Nic was younger and loved clinging to them. But I was wrong."

He paused to inhale deeply through his nose and blew the breath out from his mouth.

"I overhead them talking about how they were supposed to get rid of me without raising any suspicion. I unknowingly gasped in shock and I can never forget the hostile eyes that pierced through me. "

The calm demeanor I was trying so hard the withhold started to disintegrate. Amongst the many emotions brewing in me, anger marginally dominated.

"They told me that I wasn't their son and that they were only using me as a shield to protect their real blood, Nic. Their first pup got killed by some rogue wolves and they knew how unsafe and difficult it was to raise an alpha wolf so they picked me from some orphanage when I was four days old to keep their future pup safe from all possible threats. My mom was an unmated wolf who died giving birth to me. " I could hear both the hurt and sadness in his voice.

"My first thought was to run to you and tell you everything but then I thought about Nic. My little brother who looked up to me. Who loved and adored me. Nic who was so pure and innocent. And I was filled with this overwhelming need to protect him. So I stayed and pretended they weren't killing me slowly by mixing wolfsbane in my food to stop my shifting process." He whispered the last part so softly a normal human wouldn't have heard it.

But I wasn't a normal human.

"I-I still hear and feel my wolf sometimes but he's so weak I can't shift. I can never shift Kla, " I was now shaking with uncontrolled rage which only intensified when he chocked on a broken sob.

Everything started to make sense now. No's senses being weaker than a normal werewolf's and him easily falling sick when we were little. It was all because he had wolfsbane flowing in his system. How could  they do that to a child?

"They were somehow going to kill me before I could turn eighteen and take over the pack and I didn't want anyone to hurt after I was gone so I cut everyone from my life. Ae, Blue, Pond,Nic and you... because I knew I'd become selfish and want to live when I had already accepted my fate.

You know, I was so happy when I found you were my mate. But I also panicked because I wasn't supposed to feel that way. You deserved someone better than me. So I rejected you. It hurt so bad Kla, so bad. My emotions were all over the place and I wanted to take it back but after getting it drilled so many times in my head that I didn't deserve an ounce of happiness after killing my own mother..I started to believe them and their words. That I was a murderer. "

I let go of his hands and cradled his head in my palms to make sure he was looking at me as I pronounced each word with resolution. "They were wrong baby. You are not a murdered. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I promise to show you just how worthy and lovely you are for the rest of my life. "

"I'm sorry Kla. For being so weak. For believing them. For rejecting you. I'm sorry...that day I decided to tell you everything but-"


Hello my loves!
I hope you all had an amazing day.

(Not edited!)

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