Dreamtale Brothers x Motherly Reader

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You are the Guardian Of The Balance. Didn't know what to call them bois- No requests yet TwT Is the guardian of the tree of feelings named Nim? Slight Angst, I'm so bad at this :D

"Y/n, Would you take care of my tree when I'm not around it?"

"Of course, Nim. That's what friends do for each other, Help each other"

Y/n sat on the grass, Watching as the two brothers of the tree talk to each other. 'You didn't include that I have to take care of two kids, Nor that you would die someday'

"Mom!" The Guardian Of Positivity  smiled and jumped on Y/n, Crushing her in a tight hug. "Where were you?!"

"Hello Dream, I was at the village. And I'm not your mom, Did you not remember?" Dream's smile faltered and said a small 'sorry'. "Well, Want to help me pick out flowers?"

"Yes! I'll get a basket!" He got up and ran off, Most likely to get a basket from the village. Y/n stood up and dusted herself. She looked at the tree, Where Nightmare sat while reading a book.

"Hey Nightmare, You want to pick up flowers with me and Dream?" He shook his head. Sighing, Y/n sat down beside him. "You know, I'm going to have to leave soon. Looking after the balance, I have to leave you boys alone. But promise me something, Don't let anyone get to you two, No matter what everyone does, Can you promise me that?"

"I...promise, Miss Y/n" Dream then came running with a basket in his hand, Panting slightly.

"I..got...the basket!" His eyes brighten at his accomplishment. "Can we go flower picking now, And is Nightmare coming?!"

"Er, Nighty doesn't want to go. We can pick your favorite flowers first, If you want to Dream" He nodded and grabbed my hand. "Haha, Alright! I'm coming"

♡♡♡              Years Later...            ♡♡♡

"What happened here?" Y/n looked around Dreamtale's land, The village looked worn out, Dead bodies on the ground, The tree of feelings...Only a stump. "Nim...Wait- Where are the boys!" She yelled out their names and sighed when she saw Dream, A statue. "Be strong Dream, Where is your brother?"

♡♡♡Hundreds Of Years Later...♡♡♡ 

Y/n checked the balance, Reading it like every single day...Like a book. She chuckled at the memory when Nightmare and her used to read books in their spare time. She left the Dreamtale brothers after picking flowers with Dream about 500 years ago. 'I wonder what's happening with them now'
Shaking out of her thoughts, She continued to check the balance. "Creation, 20%, Destruction, 25% Positivity, 5%?!, Negativity, 50%?!" She tried to make a portal to the place where the Positivity went down and the Negativity went up, She successfully made one and went through. Looking around the field of Sanses, She spotted Dream, Who was about to be hit by an Axe. "Dream!" Y/n teleported in front of Dream, Taking the hit. "Erm, That hurt. You a-alright Dreamy?"

"Miss Y/n?!" Dream caught her as she was falling to the side. "You...You saved me" 

"HORROR!!!" The Sans with the cracked head blinked and nervously laughed. "YOU CRACKHEAD!"

"Opps, S-Sorry Boss" Dream slowly let Y/n down and looked at the axe in her chest, Where the soul is supposed to be.

"That looks bad, Miss Y/n...Where were you all these years?! I-I could've helped you!" Slowly, Y/n felt her fingertips dust. "And I would've see you...Everyday"

"Positivity needs to stay around...For the balance. And I needed it around, So I can see you forever. Now that's not going to last long" She cupped Dream's face and smiled. "You've been raised well by your mother"

"You raised me, Your my mom. I still want you by my side, I wished that you could've told me instead of Nightmare...I actually thought you favored him more"

Multiple gasps came around. "Haha! I never favored Nightmare, You are loved the same way as him...Even if he doesn't really like the attention"

"I love the attention!" An goopy octopus yelled at Y/n. 'Nightmare?' She thought. "Now I can't have it anymore, Thanks to this dumba-" "LANGUAGE!" A Sans with a blue bandana said...or yelled. Nightmare opened two portals and threw his gang in one, And Ink with the blue bandana wearing Sans into the other one. Leaving Y/n with only Dream and Nightmare.

"Please stay, Mom! I can't live without you, And...I miss your sudden hugs" Nightmare hugged her, But not tight to make her dust faster. "Stay, Stay, Stay! I don't want you to leave again!"

"It's alright, But I'm glad I got to see you both again, You changed a lot since I left too" Y/n's left arm fully dusted. "If I wasn't here in time, Dream could've died...I would as well" Dream saw her other arm dusting.

"But your dying anyway, You didn't have to do that, Nightmare hates me" Y/n sighed, Her legs already dusting.

"Nobody should hate you forever. As I said, Don't let anyone get to you two, No matter what everyone does, And remember...I'm always there for you" She dusted fully, Her F/C soul with some faint colors of purple and yellow, Shattered.

"We'll miss you, Mom"
I'm bad at Angst- Request me!

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