(A/N) Annette :)

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Sorry, This isn't a request- Shoo :)

Ok- OptionalAnnette Happy Birthday! ^^

(Don't mind me for meh going super fast on this-)

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(Don't mind me for meh going super fast on this-)

And since we have different timezones Ann, It's May 28th here in Canada :/

And I thought hard a little and thought of giving you a Nightmare Plush! ^w^

Be careful, He somehow makes faces- I think he likes you already :)

Of course I put Cookie, They did give you cookies-

aNd YeT aGaIn, I decided to do something...I'm giving you a little oneshot real quick ^^

Also c00kie-cat
Sorry if I bothered you but thought if you wanted to see this :/

Quick Note: It's in my perspective :)

Hold up, JenaRabilis141
Just wanted to tag you if you wanted to see the drawing, You can go ^^

Kitty  smiled to herself, She known what to do for her virtual best friend's birthday. She opened the holy yet unholy app (Wattpad-) and took a deep breath.

She went to Wattpad World.

(:0 Bro, I like that title so much-)

Kitty cracked her knuckles as it is a habit and knocked down one of Nightmare's Castle Doors. The owner stared at her in confusion and shock.

"...How did you do that-" "Practice, Author Practice" Kitty looked around in the Castle entrance and glanced at Nightmare, The octopus just drank coffee. "Kitty, You know you got like six stories to do"

(Bro, I feel like making a Discord for Author school xD)

The cougar hummed, She dismissed it and found who she was looking for. The destroyer in his own makeshift hammock, Eating a chocolate bar slowly.

"Error!" The glitch looked over to the female cougar in confusion. "I need you to make me something!"

"...dO iT yOuRsElF" Kitty gave him the famous face of displeasure and brought out her phone. "wHaT aRe YoU gOnNa Do? DeLeTe Me BeCaUsE i'M a GlItCh?"

"Nope, I'm going to make a angsty moment where you died in I Loathe Myself, Do you want that? :)" Error jumped out of his hammock and reached for Kitty's phone.

"dOn'T yOu DaRe!!!"

"Ok :> But can you make a doll for meh? :)"

"fInE, dUmMy!"

"Thanks! ^w^"

Kitty then got another idea and teleported to one of her other projects, Virago. The project isn't really noticed cuz' the Author forgot it existed-

The cougar looked up at NaJ school and teleported inside......Inside the vents in the school.

"Princess? My child, Where are you? :3"

"*Gasp* Mother? :0"

Kitty turned around and spotted her skeleton creation.

"I am here, Child. Now I need something to know :)"

"Wut? :0"

"Where is the portal to Metanoia? I forgot qwq"

Princess blinked at that question, Wasn't Kitty the author? But shrugged it off and smiled.

"Here, I'll just make it for you :)" Princess moved to the side and a portal appeared, The inside was Nightmare's Castle. "Good luck, Mother :3"

"LAWL, I'LL DO BETTER THAN JUST LUCK" Kitty yeeted herself into the portal while yelling "SHEE-!"

(...I feel and am weird XD)

(Don't worry, We're getting to a part with you, Ann qwq It's just meh adventure-)

Kitty fell with a oof and looked up at Metanoia Nightmare. "Sup, Just gonna take your soul :3"

"Ok, Author :3"

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

"I did it!" Kitty yelled and winced at the sudden pain from her left hand.

"You were so caught up in playing a stupid zombie game smh" Nightmare shook his head and Error threw something at the Author.

"hErE, iDiOt. It GoTs My BlOoD, sWeAt, AnD tEaRs" Error then turned on the TV.

"Thank you, Error :3" Kitty held the dark apple soul in her left hand, The hand where her thumb hurt when quickly sprinting away from her zombi me game- And the doll of Nightmare in the other.

She pushed them together as if they were heads and watched as it didn't even change.

"Now...it is finished U-U"

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

Kitty quickly placed down the doll on Annette's bed and mentally slapped herself. She took a piece of paper and wrote down words with a pen.

The cougar placed it by the doll and approved how it looks.

"Whelp, My work here is almost done, Just needs something else :3" Kitty then placed a strawberry cake on the bed and nodded. "Now it's done :3"


And Ann woke up to her birthday gifts, Such gifts when she was having a peaceful morning ^^ 

And good morning in your timezone right now, Ann! ^w^

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