Ink x Mother Reader

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Ship is Errorink, Fite me-

A portal opened in the Anti-Void, Y/n came out. "Ink, I have something for you-!" Y/n stopped as she saw Ink fighting Error. Sighing, She walked into the fight and grabbed Ink by his scarf. "Ink, Sweetheart, What did I say?"

"No fighting on my 'special day'" Ink air quoted, Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "But I have to fight Error!"

"Ink, N o  f i g h t i n g" Y/n did the same scary face like Ink's. "And it's called a special day because I took a break from work, I am sorry for my son Error!" Said skeleton blinked.

"sOn?!" Ink crossed his arms as he let himself get dragged to the portal Y/n opened.

"Don't worry Error, Ink will come back tomorrow!" Y/n closed the portal as they left, Leaving a confused glitch.

♡♡♡               ~Tem Skip~              ♡♡♡

"No" Ink sighed heavily.

"Please?" Y/n shook her head. "Mom!!! You said I could go back to Error yesterday!"

"I said you will, You really want to see him so bad...Mind telling?" Ink's face held a tiny rainbow blush. "Oh~ My boy has a crush~?"

"W-What?! No! I just want to go back to Error and talk, Why would I talk to you if you only talk about work?" Y/n stared at him for a moment and shrugged, She made a portal and basically threw Ink in.

"Tell me what happens!" Y/n then waved bye and floated around the Doodle Sphere. "3 2 1..." She then snapped her fingers.
"Ahh!" Ink and Error came out of Y/n's portal she made. "Oof- Mom!" Ink growled.

"What? How did you two get here?" Y/n put up an innocent smile. "Error, It's nice meeting you again"

Error groaned as he put his hand up to his head, Quickly looking around his surroundings. "wHeRe In ToBy'S nAmE aM i?"

"The Doodle Sphere, Where I and my mom watch over the AUs...I guess. What do you even do?" Ink asked, Y/n floated by him

"I look after you, That's what I do" She boop his non-existent nose. "For the AUs, Watch them for only a minute each"

"Doesn't seem that hard" Y/n stared at him, Moving her eyes to Error. "N o"

"Error! Did you know that Ink has a cru-" "Cruel mom! Now let's go before I'm dead!" Ink grabbed Error's scarf and jumped into a random AU.
"Tell me when I'll have grandchildren!"
Still no requests ._.   

Au Sanses x Mother Reader Oneshots (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now