Dreamtale Twins x Reader

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Requested by xASKAJakeiJx

I got this -w- Don't blame me for the horrible writing- The plot's going to be a little different since Dream broke out of his stone statue state after 500 years :) Hope that's fine-

Sounds of running footsteps in the forest was faint, Leaves were wet from the rain slowly pouring down from the dark blue sky, Heavy breathing came from the running figure with the rain mixing in her tears.

"Y/N! GET BACK HERE!!!" The running girl heard her father's faint yell. To lost in the yell, She fell to her knees, Mud staining her pants.

"Why...Why couldn't I just have a normal father?" She sniffed and rubbed her eyes to make the tears go away. "That doesn't matter right now, I need to get farther away from him" Y/n shakily stood up and walked deeper into the forest.

She spotted a nearby cave and decided to stay in there until the rain stops, She sat down on the hard rock ground and sighed quietly. "I wish you were here, Mom..." Meanwhile a blue light from deeper inside the cave dimmed.

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

The girl blinked as she heard no more pouring, She held her hand out to feel no rain coming on her palm. Y/n stood up again and squinted to see light rays of sunlight trying to get passed by the leaves of the trees.

'How long was I in my thoughts?' She shook her head and noticed a bright light coming from the lighter parts of the forest. Y/n slowly and carefully went to the opening, She gasped as she saw a beautiful tree with different colored apples on each side. "It's...pretty"

She walked out of the forest and out to the big wide field. She twirled around to look at her surroundings, Y/n tilted her head as she spotted a silhouette sitting against the apple tree.

She walked in front of the stranger, Sleeping. She taken in his appearance, What interested her was his crown. Y/n reached to touch it, But a hand caught her wrist.

"What are you doing?" She blinked when she noticed the skeleton was just resting his eye sockets.

"I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to take a closer look at your crown" The purple clothed skeleton let go of her wrist and completely ignored her by looking inside a book that was previously on his lap. Y/n gave him a 'really?' look, But the skeleton of course can't see that. She moved her eyes to the lighter side of the tree and stared at a golden apple.

(Bro, Reminds me of Minecraft-)

She heard a sigh and turned to the skeleton. "...Why are you here? There's like a whole village by here"

"Well I-" "Hey freak, You should stay away from that 'guardian'!" Y/n turned her head to see a bunny monster and two wolves, She slowly closed her hand, Making it into a fist. "Great, I don't want to be ordinary. There's nothing worse than being basic" She said in gritted teeth. (New language-) 

"Did I ask you to talk back?!"

"No, That's how you start a conversation" Before the bunny could speak again, Y/n continued. "Do you know what else is a freak? A monster like you. Nothing more, Nothing else. Just a stupid little bunny who cries to their mommy saying lies to her after something that was the opposite. What else is bad? It's the insults and fighting. Seriously, When will you grow up? I think the thoughts you have are about having the power and being superior"

The bunny flinched and lowered their ears. "Let's get outta here, Don't want anyone seeing me fight a little girl..." The group then ran away.

Y/n turned her head back to the skeleton. "What did they mean about guardian?"

The skeleton hesitated to speak. "Hey brother! I got a blueberry pie from the villagers- Oh! Didn't know you had company" Y/n slowly waved at the other skeleton. "Oh, Where are my manners. My name's Dream! Guardian Of Positivity!"

"...I'm Y/n"     

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

It's been a few days when Y/n met the two guardians, She got to know them more, Especially about the tree. The tree of feeling. She noticed that the villagers went to Dream a lot, She also noticed that nobody went to Nightmare nor gave him greetings.

She decided to talk to Nightmare when she got grabbed by the wrist and got pulled backwards into the forest.

Her father found her.

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

"You disobeyed me more than once, Y/n. You're never going outside again!" Y/n widened her eyes in fear and struggled to let go of her father's strong grip. She was about to yell for help until another hand slapped on her mouth. "Don't disobey me again! You know I have all the power"

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and bit his hand, Her father grunted and retreated his hands. Y/n took this as a time to run, She ran into the forest and passed the cave she was in earlier...She walked backwards and stared into the cave. It was glowing blue, She heard her father call her name and ran into the cave.

What she didn't know was the core of the cave was water and once she got closer, She tripped and went into the water. It was freezing, She thought she was going to die. But what she didn't know was the water was magic, The water which kept her in for at least 500 years.

(Pretty convenient, Don't you think-?)

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

The water, Now turned to ice long ago, Started to break slowly. Outside was too warm for the ice to handle, Y/n moved her hand that got out of the ice and tried to smash it. She gasped and shaked, She looked outside of the cave and immediately ran out.

"H-...How long was I in there?" She looked up at the trees and noticed they were starting to look like to fall. "Too long..." She remembered about the twins and ran to the direction of the tree. Y/n widened her eyes and looked around the landscape, Dead bodies everywhere, And the tree...

The tree was cut down.

Y/n sighed and heard something, Something like fighting. She ran to the sounds, And gasped when she saw Dream, Fighting other skeletons.

The positivity guardian glanced at her and went back to what he was doing, Until he blinked and looked at her again. "Y/n?!" 

"Dream?" The octopus-looking skeleton froze and turned to see Y/n. The octopus grabbed her with one of his tentacles.

"Brother, Let her go!" Y/n widened her eyes slightly, She was being held by Nightmare, Who looked nothing like what she remembered.

"No, Dream, I need answers! Answers that involve her being away for more than 500 years!" Y/n sighed and grabbed the attention of the twins- err...Brothers.

"I'm sorry I was gone, I was...mistreated by my father. He found me and abused me, I tried to get back to you both, But he wouldn't let me go. So one day I escaped and found a cave, It sealed me in ice for all these years...You know I wouldn't leave you guys" Dream gave her a teary look.

"I've missed you so much!" He managed to hug Y/n and squeezed her tight. It grew more when Nightmare joined in.

"You were the only one who understand me" He whispered.

The Bad Sanses were shocked at their boss, And the two members of the Star Sanses awed at the sight.

...This was way to long- XD But a nice one! This is probably the longest one im this book- Thanks for the request! ^^

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