Killer x Mother Reader

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Suggestion by Queen_MGwolf

Even someone else said something about Killer :) Sorry for some long waits, I like playing games -w-

Killer opened his door, He looked both ways and carefully tiptoed down the empty halls. He held in his breath while passing by the living room, where the others were either talking or watching Error's favorite show.

"What's even happening on this show, Error?" Horror asked. Error shrugged.

"dUnNo, I jUsT fOcUs On ThE aCtIoNs" Cross face palmed in the background.    

The skeleton came close to the front doors and sighed in relief. He was about to open the doors until a tentacle blocked his entrance out to the outside.

"Where are you going Killer, and at this time of night?" Killer shrunk under Nightmare's stare, the others were there as well.

"Not gonna lie but you've been disappearing every night lately, yeah, where are you going?" Horror asked with genuine confusion.

"Uhm...nothing to worry about?" Killer nervously laughed and reached for one of the doorknobs.

"Well, if it's nothing to worry about then tell us where you're going" Dust said getting impatient.



Y/n hummed a small tune as she searched a shelf for a book, She picked it out and blew the dust off. It was titled (Book Name). Y/n went to sit on the couch when a doorbell rung. She smiled to herself when the door opened.

Y/n turned around to greet her son when she saw other versions of him, She rose a brow when she saw Killer looking down at his feet.

"Killer, I didn't expect other versions were coming as well"

"Uhm...they wanted to come, Mom" The Bad Sanses widened their eye sockets and looked at Killer in disbelief.

"Oh, that's alright! I suppose they would like to wait for a moment? I have a special treat coming for you!" Y/n went into the kitchen and hummed the tune she was humming before.

"...Dude, She fine as hel-" Dust earned a slap to his face by Killer, The skeleton gave him a glare. "I deserve that"

"That's really disrespectful to Killer's mother, Dust" Nightmare slapped Dust's head with one of his tentacles. Error suppressed the urge to call Y/n a anomaly. 

"Ow! Okay, Sorry Killer" Killer approved the answer and waited for his mother.

"...But I see nothing wrong about meeting her-" "Shut up Dust" Dust mocked Cross's words.

♡♡♡ ~Tem Skip~ ♡♡♡

Sometime later, Y/n came back with a gentle smile. She dragged a Chara towards Killer. The others either wanted to stab it or were confused to how Y/n got the body from.

"I got this human thing from a AU! I thought you would like to stab it to pieces!" Y/n said with excitement.

"Ohhhh....SWEET!" Killer brought out his knife and took the body from Y/n, The skeleton wore a big smile and started to stab the Chara. Literally acting like a happy child on Christmas.

The others watched and looked at Y/n.

"...Have we meet before?" Dust started. A knife literally almost hit him, Killer glare at him for the second time.

"I believe we have not, Care to introduce yourself?" Nightmare seemed to like Y/n's manners and took her hand.

"Nightmare, Pleasure to meet you" The octopus kissed her hand, The others choked in disgust.

Y/n turned her head to Killer and smiled. "You have such a gentleman with you, Is he and the others you always talk about?" Killer blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

"Awe, No need to be embarrassed, Mommy's boy" Horror snickered.


Nightmare flinched at Y/n's head crack, She cracked her knuckles, One by one. Wearing a smile that's slightly crooked during it.

"Pardon?" She said.

"It's normal, Killer's Mom!" Dust quickly spoke with a chuckle.

"Please, call me Y/n. And Killer, dear? I'm sorry but I have to leave early today, I'll be back in a week, okay?" Killer nodded as if this happened a lot of times. Y/n went out the door with a wave.

"What's her number, Kil-"


"...I deserve that as well"

Okay, A little short cuz' brain had small determination, My poor brain :( But i'll have better motivation next time- I can't believe I made Dust act like this XD

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