Error x Mother Reader

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Requested by Liza_mcb

I'mma do something called writing- Sorry it took so long, Had writer's block. Plus, It's short cuz' I'm tired XD

Error summoned a portal and looked around his Anti-Void for the hundredth time before leaving, He sighed in relief and was about to step in to destroy a AU until he got pulled back from his scarf.

"Where do you think you're going?" Error turned around and groaned, His mother in front of him. "Didn't I say we would have a mother and son day? You've been avoiding me"

"bUt DeStRoYiNg Is EvEn BeTtEr! NoW lEt Me Go Or I'lL sHaTtEr YoUr PaThEtIc SoUl!" Y/n gave him a long stare and flicked his forehead. "oW, wHaT wAs ThAt FoR?!"

"Don't be a man baby, I didn't get off work just for you to leave anyway" Error growled and quickly jumped into his portal. "Playing cat and mouse again? Been years but I'll manage" Y/n cracked her neck and jumped in as well. 

"bLuE!" The blue covered skeleton turned towards Error, Who ran to him. "ERROR? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? PAPY MIGHT SEE YOU!"

"nOt NoW! yOu GoTtA hElP mE gEt AwAy FrOm My MoM!" Blueberry blinked and was about to speak. "yEs I gOt A mOm, DuMbA-!" "Error!" The glitching skeleton flinched and looked behind him. "Do not swear in front of the bean!"

"BEAN? WHAT'S A BEA-" "yOu'Re NoT tHe BoSs Of Me, Y/n!" Error froze and gulped.

"W h a t ? Error L/n, You know you shouldn't call me that! Now, Prepare for a AU destroying run cuz' you're going to destroy at least four AUs while I'm chasing you, You have twenty seconds"

"yEs-! I mEaN, yEs Ma'Am" Error smiled widely and made a portal to a AU of Underlust. 'nObOdY lIkEs YoU aNyWaY' He thought.


"Hmm, I've been destroying old and abandoned AUs all this time. I'm pretty boring to talk about, Or maybe it's because he's embarrassed to have a mom"


"I'm very busy, There's more AUs than you know. Looks like time's up, Let's see if I can catch the mouse" Y/n picked up Blue and opened a portal. "Hope your brother won't mind if I took you for a trip" And then she went.
Bro, I swear. My writing skills are getting worse :( Thanks for the request! :D

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